The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
ps: you could have at least used "maybe you sounded like...etc" or "maybe she said that because...." instead of giving final judgements (and assuming I am a bully toward someone I admire.).
I would only progress with pursuing someone if they gave me a green light hence if I ask a person out and they say 'no' = no green light = stop pursuit - this would be my method
If on the other hand they said 'Oh, I'm not free that day but I am free on this day instead' that would be a green light = continue pursuit
But obviously you are free to do as you please, it's only one person's viewpoint
I didn't say you were a bully, I am assuming you know her quite well and she likes you as a person and hence is ok with seeing you socially
Some people do get lucky with continuing the pursuit in spite of an ambiguous response, I'm just saying how I do things - I am a cautious person, keen not to make a fool of myself; others are more open to chance
People tend to develop methods and if they get success using these methods they continue using them
My method has worked well for me - that's all I can say
The obvious way to find out for sure would be to say 'Can you see us going out as a couple at some point or do you think we will always be just friends'?