Tim_Tex wrote:
On dating sites, people say they want a partner who's drama-free.
What exactly constitutes drama?
For me, it would be anyone who is living out of fear and is insecure.
Anyone who does that or is doing that is inviting drama into their live with open arms practically. It's also the way that most people live.
When you have a small misunderstanding, it generally can go two ways:
1) You trust your partner and your connection with them - therefore you know that this is simply a small misunderstanding, that your partner never intended to hurt you, so you be loving open honest direct and calm and address everything from a place of trust and respect. This way the small misunderstanding is solved, it was easy and never evovles into anything bigger - both of you put it behind you there and then.
2) You're too busy operating from fear, insecurity or ego so you take the small misunderstanding as "they hurt me, now I'm going to hurt them back". Rather than staying open, you close off. When they attempt to solve the issue, you start the blame game or start arguing, justifying , defending or denying everything. It blows up and turns into sopmething much, much bigger than it ever needed to be.
Most people choose the second way to deal with issues - the second way is the way that tends to cause drama.