Nirvana wrote:
nessa238 wrote:
I think for NTs, attractiveness is about how you project yourself and how you are received by others as much as how you actually look.
The people in my school are very judgmental when it comes to looks. Most of them can't even imagine dating someone who isn't hot. To them attractiveness is solely about looks not personality.
For example, there is one guy in my class who is really short, but he is also really nice and funny. Most girls like him, but whenever he isn't around they tear him down for his length. Some even say they would be in love with him if it wasn't for his length.
People can of course be attracted to whoever or whatever they want, but looks is so important in my school that if you're ugly (but still nice) you'll (almost) never have a chance with anyone and everyone will tear you down.
It sucks for me and everyone else who are "ugly".
I think most people are judgemental about looks to be quite honest, it's just the degree that varies
I find the people who are less so are those who have been judged for their looks themselves eg myself and sometimes older people who are 'past their best' or have 'lost' their looks.
Younger people are obsessed with looks as they tend to define their identities in terms of how well they fit in with their peer group and looks are often very central to this.
School is a very limited selection of people though - there will be people after you've moved on from school who will accept you for who you are as a person more than for how you look - these are always the best people to invest your time and energy in getting to know.