hyperlexian wrote:
it's possible to imagine that we had a different culture where women were asking out men instead of the reverse, just as a different trend. and some super-shy women would also get left out in the cold. i suppose men have to either overcome their shyness to some sight degree or live with the consequences of not having any dating opportunities, and if the roles were reversed then women would be in that position.
I agree with all but the part about overcoming shyness to a
slight degree. For some guys, the amount they have to overcome to be able to do that is a hell of a lot more than slight. Still, you're right, it's either get past it or get used to being alone (with exceptions being extremely rare).
Things are changing, women making the first move is slowly becoming more acceptable, but I expect it'll still be a few more generations before it is considered normal.
What I find odd though are the guys who seem to think they'd be getting a lot of female attention if only those roles were reversed. For that to be true, there'd have to be a bunch of women who were attracted to them but unwilling to make a move under the current system. For a guy to believe that that sort of role reversal would benefit him, he would already have to believe that he is desireable to women. And, if that's the case, then why so shy in the first place?