Wolfheart wrote:
I can guarantee you got that girl to sleep with you because of charisma, charm or humour. This isn't taking into consideration those factors, this is saying to guys how to look attractive before even talking to a girl which will open them up to a bigger target audience and give them more chances of finding a potential mate.
How is that going to help the guy like MR20 or Brianruns well they have to make a statement to the girl first that they are of better value physically than others guys whether it's by pumping iron in the gym, wearing smart clothes, having a fashionable haircut or even taking care of their skin which would be the first step.
It's definitely charm and humour. Consider that I have some people tell me now that they find it easy to listen to every word I say... positive energy is the reason why too.
You don't need to centre anyone out. I know exactly the types of people you are referring to without mentioning anyone's names. I don't think it's fair to those guys to point them out in the forum. But I do understand that you are trying to encourage people to help themselves and that is my goal here as well.
I believe the best way to get help for anyone complaining about their lack of dating experience is to first change the way they view themselves, and it doesn't necessarily have to be physical fitness to start with, or change their wardrobe. I would personally recommend self-help books or spiritual enlightenment myself as it has done wonders for me. Once you can reflect positive energy, others will take note of it. Of course, I can't tell a person to do any of this, they have to want to do this on their own.
And rabbitts- the solution for your acne problem is written in your post. Maybe stop thinking about it altogether and it will go away. You might think it's a long shot, but go for it.