I found this article online about people skills.
To me, all this coach is focusing on is the person's attitude, faulty thinking, conclusions and confidence.
I have found this article as well. ... 25224.html
Most problems related to being socially inept will take care of themselves if you become more confident.
How is this so? How does confidence remove problems? Wouldn't removing the problems and teaching the skills necessary produce confidence? To me confidence, is an effect of ability and success not the other way around. Feelings of confidence is an emotional state that is produced by positive experiences and ability.
How do the shy guys derive their limiting erroneous beliefs in the first place?
How do they conclude that they are losers?
How do they conclude that they are sexually unattractive?
The workplace preaches this. The average joe preaches this and even some aspies on here seems to believe this without question. I see no rational basis for this belief of confidence producing positive experience and ability. Attitude does not produce ability. Attitude and confidence is not some muscle you can voluntarily flex. Positivity and confidence are by products of ability and positive experiences.
Those who I have asked to justify these beliefs including some aspies have never been able to do so. Sometimes they'll just restate the belief. It is almost impossible to have a coherent discussion with those who espouse this belief.