I seem to attract very possessive and controlling people, or at least I used to. I went through some really toxic relationships before I figured out that I was responsible for this pattern and had to change it.
I don't seem to be able to read guys at all and I go through phases of having some interest in guys, but it dies down quickly. It's an occasional curiosity and I have finally come to understand I can't build a healthy relationship based on a passing curiosity so I don't really date guys at all anymore. I don't really even like to maintain any sort of relationship that has expectations that go beyond the present.
Basically I feel an obligation and sense of duty to always love and care about my friends, but when it comes to relationships that involve sex, I don't make any commitments to anything but the immediate future. With my last girlfriend we would say every week "I want to be with you for another week." and it became this thing that was funny to us, but it was real, and it kept us in touch with the reality that we might break up at any point and neither of us were going to dislike or blame the other, because that's kind of how relationships in your 20s go for a lot of people.
Then again, too, this area is full of very conservative people and even the ones who say they are liberal are oftentimes very bigoted. It is up to me not to make strong connections with these people that I will inevitably want to eliminate.(the connection, not the person's... life)
It's difficult to find a balance between being really open and being selective about the kind of people I want in my life. Add all of that to being socially inept and having a hard time reading people... yeah, I do have problems with some of the people I have attracted in my life in the past, but less and less all the time because I'm always trying to figure out how to change that.