I know right. You would think woman would love to hear this. They don't. They like the challenge. Then again, if she is right for you, maybe she would. Maybe.
Um, no we do not like the challenge. If someone said "Well, I won't wait for you there are other women out there" I'd tell him to go be with them then and leave me alone.
I prefer what you said in the first place about waiting until she had time to get together. It is rather lovely and sweet.
I was studying last year and I didn't always have the time and energy to make it out on a date with someone or chat to them online sometimes even if I did like them, I actually really was busy studying...it was not a blow off of any kind whatsoever, although the men will read it that way.
Why can men just not accept that you actually mean what you say and you are not trying to get rid of them.