Geekonychus wrote:
Tyri0n wrote:
I lost a super hot girl who was really into me this way. We had even met in person a few times.
So, I'd say no. It wouldn't have been dishonest. She was basing her reactions on misconceptions about Asperger's in the media that don't apply to me. And, at any rate, if I even have Asperger's, it's quite mild and probably less of a big deal than her severe ADHD.
This sounds so familiar it's scary. My first OKCupid experience ended this way almost exactley. Things were going really well till date 3 when she told me about her ADHD. Figured then that if she was disclosing I'd disclose too and low and behold she practically stopped communicating with me after that...........
A high % of the good-looking girls on OKC have "invisible" blemishes like ADHD and bipolar disorder. I once did a search for "bipolar" and it showed over a dozen profiles in my area, all of them hot. A search for "ADHD" landed nearly a dozen results. And those are just the ones who disclose on their profiles. A search for "asperger's" landed one profile. "Autism" landed a bunch of NT's who work with autistic kids, and "narcissism" landed 3 relevant results. "Prison" landed two, unrelated to the TV show, while "unemployed" and "looking for work" landed nearly two dozen between them.
I once went out with a bipolar + ADHD girl who was "unemployed" and had been to "prison." And she dumped me after two dates. lol
There are a lot of damaged goods out there. But they still expect perfection.