corkyviolet wrote:
i'm just a fool in love.
Ok... this I'm not getting. Maybe I'm old-fashioned here, but to me love means respecting somebody & liking who they are naturally instead of trying to control them. It means that seeing this person happy makes you happy.
I don't think it's reasonable to think anyone would be happy if someone demands they text back within x amount of time. This is the kind of thing a parent asks of a child. In a relationship of equals, this is demeaning. This gentleman may have AS, but he isn't a child. Someone used the phrase "electronic leash." I thought of that, too.
Some people said he needs to understand you, but I think it's not one-way. While you believe you are exhibiting a lot of control in not texting him all day, his experience may be that the amount you do text is a virtual bombardment. Texting & phone calls are not only loud but can interrupt whatever you are trying to work on or do. It isn't about how much you love somebody. Some people need to devote certain time blocks to certain things. It doesn't mean they don't care.
Perhaps you can have regularly scheduled date-nights & see each other in person? By regularly, I mean an amount that makes sense to both of you. :)
If you can't accept him for who he is, and want him to be something he isn't- somebody who wants to text you every day- than perhaps he isn't the right guy for you.
Relationships are best when your needs just happen to match someone else's, not when you have to bend into something you aren't then demand someone else bends into something he's not. It sounds like a very uncomfortable & unhappy relationship for both of you!
In my experience, love is more comfortable. You get to just be who you are & it all works out.