BazzaMcKenzie wrote:
nice to see Tequila and Hale_bopp agreeing on something
sderenzi, if you are for real, all I can say is you have much to learn, grasshopper.
Have a look at some of the topics here about how women think etc. or buy/borrow the book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus".
Yeah I agree with them too. He seems like he's probably an ok guy, but he creeped me out still. Guys that creep girls out don't get far. His list demands a lot of things of the lady, but he doesn't seem to have a lot to offer. At 11 a hour you should be able to get your own place, pay car insurance and get Zoloft. I suspect you are one of those high maintenance guys that thinks he can't exist without spending hundreds a month on new video games or RC cars. You did say "nice apartment" maybe that is the problem. Do you expect to start out living alone in some grand palace? Just get a studio apt and work your way up. Adults that live with their parents are not attractive mates.
Also it would be wise not to tell people you left college for the reasons you did. What that says to me is if things don't always go right you just give up and a lady would expect you to behave the same way in a relationship. Not appealing in the least.
And if another adult tried to chew on my hair they would probably get their nose busted. Get a pacifier dude! Or find some more acceptable stim.