zacb wrote:
I never really intended to, but I feel like I am turning into a misogynist. I am hating how women (at least the ones I run into) flake, how they are superficial, how they don't talk about anything but school and other stupid sh**, how they are complete sluts, and how they want equal rights, yet when you try to be nice and accommodating and be democratic ( I am a pacifist, and so I believe in compromise and such), you are a nice guy, or worse, a creeper. In all honesty, I am starting to wish the worse on there first born yada yada etc. . I hate to be this way, but it seems like the women I am running into are complete b*****s. Doesn't even matter if they are "moral", Christians, or whatever, they seem like b*****s that should go to hell. I am sorry, but the more I see of life, the more I feel like a nihilist, sexist, etc. . I want to see the best in people, but people are not giving me a lot to work with. Add to the fact that IDK if I could find the one, since my interests are weird (won't repeats, but even voluntaryism and pacifism are in a slim minority), and I try to be nice. But in any case, I am starting to rationalize being a player, even though I know it is wrong, but it seems like the only way to get my mind off the sadness. Thanks, and sorry for offending any sensible folks, you can discard this message, this message doesn't apply to you.
stay away from them ladies. party and drunk girls are not the best partners.