FlanMaster wrote:
I am guessing this means a girl who rejects a guy because he is a virgin is really saying:
(Possible translations)
a: I'm sorry. you're a pathetic sleazy dork and I only do pity f***s if there's a chance I can actually enjoy it by pretending Brad Pitt is banging me.
b. OMG R U seriuz? Like, I am TOTALLY freaked right now!
c. Yea, right, in your dreams dorkomagnus.
d. Are you another stalker? Do I need to move and change my identity?
She might be saying something like :
e. I'm terrified of having a painful sexual experience, so would rather be with somebody more experienced.
Or even, something more like :
f. My parent/s told me that I should try to get with somebody older and more experienced, at least until I have more experience myself.
In the case of autistic (or shy) girls , it could even be something like :
g. I'm usually fairly non-verbal (or at least when it comes to speaking about sex with a partner), so it probably would be better for everybody if a sexual partner already had some experience, rather than me having to explain a lot of stuff while it happens.