Yes, I would like to have a man stand up for me, but not to be needlessly confrontational. I don't think physical confrontation is necessary, unless it's as self-defence. Most heated situations can be solved by simply walking away / not rising to taunts / ignoring the idiots.
For example if a guy bumps into you at the club do you want your man to get into his face and start a confrontation?
I can't answer vague questions like that. The answer depends on the question. Be more specific. Did the guy bump into me on purpose? Was he trying to hurt me? Has he been following me around all night trying to get on my nerves or provoke a reaction out of my man? Is he drunk? Is he an ex boyfriend? Or is he just some random stranger?
Was the bump an accident? Did he apologise and stop to see if I was all right, or did he laugh and then walk away? Do you mean a verbal confrontation, or a physical one?
If the guy had bumped me on purpose, I would deal with it myself by asking him angrily: "hey, what did you do that for?"
If he didn't back down or apologise, I might go and tell one of the bouncers that some nasty man was bumping into me deliberately. I am sure they might kick him out. Or I might look to my boyfriend to go up to the man and say: "hey, what's your problem? That's my girlfriend you're bumping into. Leave her alone."
If the bump was not deliberate and the man apologised, there would be no need to make a big deal out of it at all (unless he had hurt me badly/ spilt a drink down me / accidentally torn my dress / broken my toenail / insert other imagined calamity here).
Actually something like this happened to me once when I was out in a nightspot on a first date and my ex was there. My ex became jealous to see me with a new guy, and came up and wanted to talk to me. I didn't want to talk to him and told him to go away so he grabbed me forcefully by the arm and kept me there. I was shouting angrily: "let go! You're hurting me! Ow! You're really hurting me" and lots of people were staring, but nobody was doing anything to help. My date just stood to the side and watched. He told me later that he had wanted to go and punch my ex in the face but he did not do anything "out of respect for me." I thought that was a weird way to respect a woman: stand aside and watch her have her arms bruised by a jerk.

But maybe it was better for him not to intervene. In situations like that, if a second guy intervenes, the scenario can quickly escalate into a fist fight.