to clarify discrete bits of information are utterly unimportant, when you are talking to someone eon a dating site you want to create emotional subtext (yay, everyone's strong suit). as far as I can tell there are three important goals for a message on okcupid. ask yourself 1) did my message make her laugh or feel happy 2) did my message make her feel sexy 3) did my message make me sexy to her (without being creepy or overt).
I keep being told to watch sitcoms for romance advice but I think reading love or sex poetry might be more usefull. It's all about the way you phrase things....
Just FYI, I have a lot to say, but that doesn't necessarily make me right and I've only been experimenting with "bromantics" techniques for about a week. In that week I have gotten a 60% 1st response rate compared to 3% for the two months prior.
I keep getting stuck on keeping the convo going, and getting asked to txt with them is a death sentence for now. Trying to be "flirty" about serious topics gives me a headache so idk.
Also, look at the oktrends blog, it has useful information. Part of the reason I was getting no replies is that I was 23 with an income under 50K, oktrends has a reply rate heatmap that I believe shows the average reply rate for a 22YO at any bracket at 1/20 or better but for 23 it drops to 1/10,000 below 50K$
Also note that 22-25 is a critical point for girls who want kids. If they have a degree and you don't/ don't make bank they may be ignoring you because they are looking for a fellow breeder/provider/LTR