buffinator wrote:
The girl was describing it as being a consistent burning/itching sensation in the nethers with flareups (this is untreated). No idea how she was doing after. Her main problem is she wouldn't let herself date anyone for fear of transmitting. Idk, atm it seemed like a really big deal / inconvenience and she had said that she was considering suicide rather than live with it. She was also pissed because she got it from her prior boyfriend's infidelity.
She had also faced discrimination because of it and may have been kicked out of her college for trying to get help. It feels like forever ago and my memories are grainy.
IIRC, the probability of transmission when not having a breakout is 1-3%, and that's reduced by using condoms which limit skin-to-skin contact. That's about as minimal as the risk of pregnancy while using condoms as a birth control method, and countless people have protected sex every day & avoid pregnancies. It's more her stressed/depressed state of mind blowing things out of proportion than it is actual risk of transmission/rejection etc. Sure, it's bound to be a touchy difficult subject to deal with.. but all the happy healthy attractive people out there who occasionally have a cold sore on their lip are living proof that life can and does go on. Further, since HSV1 or HSV2 are so common now that the CDC doesn't even bother testing for them, she & others are far from alone. It seems like a big deal to her because she's obsessing and stressing over it, but in the grand scheme of life it really isn't thaaaat big of deal to abstain from sex/kissing etc whenever she has a breakout & transmission risks are at their highest.

for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.