Bodyles wrote:
Generally if a woman compliments my apperance in some way and hanging around me a lot I know they're flirting.
Hasn't happen very many times.
Last time, when it hit me that she was flirting with me because she was atracted to me, I asked her out on the spot and she said yes.
She said something along the lines of "You have really pretty eyes."
Looking back on it she was also probably giving me 'the look', but I did'nt really notice that so much as the compliment.
I almost did a double take when I realize she was saying it because she was attracted to me.
To be fair, I think one of my friends mentioned that she thought the young lady was attracted to me previously, but I didn't really believe her until I heard the compliment.
I get told that "Pretty eyes" thing all the time, because my eyes are what stands out the most on my face. It doesn't necessarily mean they are flirting or that they like you, sometimes it's just them pointing out a feature about you they like or because they don't find anything else about you attractive. So whenever I get told this, I say "thanks" and move on. I often get my looks compared to Mac Miller which sorta annoys me cause I don't like his music.
The best advice I can give for if a girl likes you is look at their pupils. If they are large, they either are really into you or hate the s**t out of you. If they are small, usually that means she isn't interested or just wants to be friends.
"Ignorance Is Bliss"