Should I just give up?
Seriously mate, WTF? I don't expect your emotions for her to die out overnight, but saying it's psychopathic to try and get over someone?! I got over my ex, does that make me a psychopath?
Maybe you're constantly hearing this advice because, oh, I dunno, it's a good idea? It's not the easy idea by a long shot, but hanging around her relationship waiting for her to monkey-swing to you is a bad idea. I've had guys I adored get new girlfriends, the first time this happened I did exactly what you're doing now and got my heart ripped out.
It sucks when you can't have the person you want, and it's a hard, hard process to pull yourself away from them. But when there is a third party involved, there's bound to be trouble.
The way you implied made it seem like I was supposed to overnight or as quick as possible. But don't talk to me like I'm an idiot, like this isn't the first time I have had to deal with romantic heartbreak, I know you have so don't just assume I haven't.
This has been one of the hardest days of my life, one we're I'm coming to terms with the fact I've made more bad decisions in my life than good ones. And you know what you are all right, I never said anyone was wrong, but I just don't like having the same things shoved into my ears 24/7, IT GETS f*****g ANNOYING! I know all you, all anyone on this forum is trying to do is help, but when say that the help, and advice isn't working for me, then maybe it's not. Maybe when I try the obvious way and it doesn't workout, as it often has in my life, then I need try something my own way, or a way I'm sure will 100% workout for me, but the latter is impossible no one ever feels successful 100% of the time.
It's alright though I'll figure something, and I'm glad that people on here are trying to help. It's just that there has to be a way that doesn't lead to total depression, and either trying to forget over an amount of time or ending up leading to the wrong path for me. I think people are just to lazy find a way that isn't a spiral towards chaos, or submitting to order and obviousness.
I'm going t change the world one day, and the way you and everyone else in the world lives will be changed to.

Joined: 17 Feb 2013
Age: 42
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Posts: 22,612
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Maybe give up on her, for now, because it sounds like more trouble and work than it may be worth.
But on all girls forever? No. Eventually you'll meet someone.
Focus your time and energy on improving yourself, your health, your finances, your fitness etc and then eventually someone else will notice the good in you that you've worked hard to bring out in yourself. It may be when you least expect it.
Personally, I have a crush on my closest friend (and he knows it) & have otherwise been focusing my efforts on improving myself. If it eventually attracts him, wonderful, and if not - the efforts are for me and the quality of my life, so they're not wasted. Further, if they don't attract him, they're guaranteed to attract others. Heck, I already have attracted others but I just brush them off for the most part because I'm not interested in them and am interested in my friend. There's one guy I met recently that's the first maaaaybe in a long time, but I'm not going to go out of my way to make something happen with him - I'm still focusing on me, as even though I've come a long way I still have a long way to go to reach my personal goals and I'm not going to achieve them if I spread my time and energy too thin with a new relationship. So, I'll just meet guys and hangout here and there and just roll with that for the time being. I don't feel any particular need to find a significant other asap and I'm 11 years older than you are. If it happens soon, ok, but if it doesn't happen for another several years, ok. Be more like that - it's a lot less stressful!

I have done nearly every form of self-improvement possible in the last year, but unfortunately a lot of those improvements are gone now. For instance I thought I was in good health till last month when my tooth went all abscess on my gums, I thought I has a good job until the abscess kept me from working for a month straight and caused me to lose said job, and I was in great shape but again the abscess made me bed-written and I am now out of shape again. All that is gone now, and starting tomorrow i will start running every morning again. I still need to find another job, I don't want my old one cause it was well washing dishes for $8.50 an hour, and if I want to find a place to live on my own over the summer I'm gonna need a job that pays at least $10-$20 an hour. I also don't have a drivers license mainly do to the lack of a capable car to learn to drive in.
All in all I've made some pretty major changes in my life over the last year, but it's now that I gotta put the work I've done on myself into full swing. I can only hope that changing myself will increase my dating chances, and more girls will take notice of me.
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