my dating profile, toughts?(hopefully not mean)

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11 Feb 2014, 5:03 pm

I'd recommend losing the references to films with violence - but good for you for taking advice - it's more than most people do - and, I think, when writing a dating profile , a little bit
of thought goes a long way.


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11 Feb 2014, 10:16 pm

You have obviously changed it since the original post, and I must say I found it quite engaging.

The only thing I'd recommend (on the OKC profile) - on the "most private thing...." go ahead and tell the most private thing you're willing to admit in public. It can be something as minor as "I really like Twinkies." But about 90% of people say "will tell you later" or "not on the internet!"

Mine says "I wish I had a dollar for every profile that says 'will tell you later' in this section." :)


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12 Feb 2014, 4:57 am

yellowtamarin wrote:
You sometimes chew with your mouth open. It would never work between us :P

lol, thanks i needed that after this horrible day i had. also i don't chew with my mouth open anymore, since friends pointed it out its annoying, maybe slip up on a rare occasion.

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
What's your major? Why it's useless outside classroom?

So you're fully aware of the situation. Unemployed girls can still have working bf accepting their status (even if they're less preferred), unemployed guys are far less likely to accepted by those non-working girls, maybe even less likely to be accepted by working girls. As long the stay-at-home dads are still barely 1% of the fathers in most countries, this is not gonna change soon. Most girls want to get married (or co-living with kids) after all.

automotive, and cause in the class room we can take our time , in the real job its all about speed and accuracy. i can't do the noise it makes me blink(which is bad) I'm also slower then most people and anti confrontation, so in a job where speed is important and yelling at each other if common place, i cant do it, i went as fast as i could and it wasn't enough, also moving really expensive cars in and out of stalls that have 3" or less on each side s crazy anxiety , i acutally damaged one a little bit and i was terrified,

that seems unfair i thought we were in a age where women want to be equals. i don't know who all these couples happen where the guy is a reall mooch and yet he has this great girl.

thedeath wrote:
I think you look friendly and likeable on your pictures (especially the last one). :)

As others have pointed out, you should fix your spelling and remove any text parts that mention you're unemployed.

And uhm, the profile looks a bit generic... some parts could describe anyone (like "I'm really good at caring about others").
Maybe you should add something that might make your profile stand out.

thanks :S well i am, people love me in person, i don't understand it, i guess cause i go out of my way to help people and always make people laugh. o.O

it would be super helpful to know what stuff is spelled wrong, grammar and spelling is my weak point academically, if it wasn't for spell check I'd be way worse , and it doesn't catch everything. didn't help most of my communication is via Instant messenger where I eventually adapted to shortened words and such.

seems to me the more i remove the smaller my small profile gets :(, What should i put instead? my hobbies have to be hidden until further into messages same as i have to hide them on Facebook.

thewhitrbbit wrote:
I'm not the best looking guy but i'd treat a woman right and respect her.

Get rid of the 1st part.

But, your number 1 priority needs to be SMILE IN THE PICTURE. Your pictures make you look miserable. Try to get a picture of you working on a car too. (That one it's ok to look focused and not smile)

You have a skill that women find attractive, that is a good thing.

I smiling, if i can find them I'll try to show pictures where I don't smile and where I frown. The only time I have smiled with my teeth is 4 times, in which the woman I love did something to make me lose mental control of my happiness. My teeth area super bad.

I don't work on cars and i try to avoid people bring up something i failed at. I like working on cars but I'm a complete failure at it professionally, Mind you there are people who will do better as a job but you wouldn't want them near your car, they fast and social, but do half ass jobs.

I wish I did have such a skill.

Eccles_the_Mighty wrote:
Check your English grammar because I've counted over a dozen mistakes, especially use of a lower case 'i' when an upper case 'I' should be used.

Also, I agree with some of the earlier posts, hit the gym and lose a few pounds.

well I have gotten use to im and irc, where the I or i doesn't matter as long as one is there. even sometimes it doesn't, such as "don't like that" would be acceptable. I've gone thru and fixed them all though

a gym will never be affordable for me, plus i'd sooner kill myself then change just to get a woman as they won't love me but my body and F*** that. Can I go up to these women and tell them to go hit a gym, you're fat, no cause we suppose to accept them for who they are.

whats next people telling me to have plastic surgery( the face equivalent of saying go to a gym.) one is considered rude and mean yet the other is considered ok. I don't get this.

I wish i had pictures to show what i looked like when I lost weight, while my pants were smaller size(mind you i still fit in them just tight) I didn't look that much different even though i was 25 pounds lighter. and really its not like I weigh 370 pounds like some guys i know f**k my ex friend weighs like 300 and he has a stick gf, and the one before that was a gorgeous stick gf hes also a as*hole to them though.

panda1 wrote:
I'd recommend losing the references to films with violence - but good for you for taking advice - it's more than most people do - and, I think, when writing a dating profile , a little bit
of thought goes a long way.

why? it shows my movie interest, there's a lot of women in my area who list the same movies, so it would show our common interests would it not?

I put a lot of thought into while being honest as I can't not be.

thanks i try to take advice when it can help.

Eureka13 wrote:
You have obviously changed it since the original post, and I must say I found it quite engaging.

The only thing I'd recommend (on the OKC profile) - on the "most private thing...." go ahead and tell the most private thing you're willing to admit in public. It can be something as minor as "I really like Twinkies." But about 90% of people say "will tell you later" or "not on the internet!"

Mine says "I wish I had a dollar for every profile that says 'will tell you later' in this section." :)

engaging? is that good?

I always have trouble with "most private thing" or " what are the things you're scared to tell people" cause I'm completely honest and blab stuff out so I don't have much private things other then Aspergers and other disorders( not telling that). i guess afraid of spiders , but aren't most people plus its hardly private. so Put what I did not cause I don't want to tell, but I don't know what to tell.

the things I'm good at is also a hard to fill out slot, I'm not good at anything. I'm decent at a lot of stuff, but not good.
I'm a decent, cook, decent at cars, decent at games, decent at shooting, things I'm good at are cuddling, hugs, kisses, being loyal and there for people, I'm dependable, but these are all untangle-able things.

vs others can say "I'm good at painting", or "I'm a great cook" "I play a great guitar" etc I'm envenoms of those aspie with special talents, I have none. I'm just decent at a lot of stuff :|

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12 Feb 2014, 5:48 am


it would be super helpful to know what stuff is spelled wrong, grammar and spelling is my weak point academically, if it wasn't for spell check I'd be way worse , and it doesn't catch everything. didn't help most of my communication is via Instant messenger where I eventually adapted to shortened words and such.

I was about to oblige and point out a few things that need changing, but then I thought about it and decided it wouldn't be a good idea.

I think it's best to stick to your usual writing style. Some people are very fussy about grammar and spelling and punctuation, whereas others don't mind chat speak at all. If we re-write your profile for you in a corrected style that is not your own, it may attract people who are fussy about spelling and grammar, because they will think "oooh, a kindred spirit" and may contact you with initial high hopes, only for your true writing style to be revealed in the first few emails. They will then probably reject you once they find out your true writing style, and that will be very hurtful.

Therefore, I think it would be best to leave it as it is, mistakes and all. That way, the only people contacting you will be the kind of people who either do not care about mistakes, or can't see that there are any mistakes there. Those are the ideal people for you, in my opinion, because if you habitually use chat speak, that may get on certain people's nerves, and the last thing you want is to be with someone who really cares about grammar and spelling. Grammar and spelling enthusiasts are the sort of people who point out mistakes all the time, and mistakes really get on their nerves. (I know that because I am one of them). You don't want to be getting on somebody's nerves. You want to make somebody happy. Neither do you want to have to "change" yourself in order to be loved. You want to be accepted as you are. Therefore, the last thing you want is to hook up with a spelling and grammar perfectionist, who may demand that you start to write to very high standards in order to pass their minimum requirements and not get on their nerves.

I feel rather strongly about this issue because I have a sister who is dyslexic and does not write very well. The perfectionist in me is always wincing when I read the things she writes, and I've often been tempted to point out her mistakes and offer to proofread her writing for her. However, I am always having to remind myself that she can't help it, and it would be neither kind nor necessary to point out any of her mistakes.

At the end of the day, as long as we can make ourselves understood, that's all that counts. :)

Here's hoping you find a lovely lady with whom you can soon be exchanging such lovely messages as: "i luv u more" "no, i luv u more" "no hunny, i luv u more" etc.


P.S. I think what I'm trying to say is: just be yourself. It's your profile and if you are happy with it, don't change it. If you make a fake profile in a fake writing style that is not the real "you," people will be expecting a fake "you" rather than the real one. While it's fine to listen to all the feedback you get on this thread, you are not obligated to obey all the suggestions. You can't please everyone!


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12 Feb 2014, 6:15 am

Yes, it's great to tell people the movies you like. It was just my eye was caught by the word 'Dead' - as in 'Shaun of the Dead' - only a very subtle thing, but saying " I love Zombie films"
seems, instinctively, a bit better.

Really hope things go well for you


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12 Feb 2014, 1:26 pm

sly279 wrote:
a gym will never be affordable for me, plus i'd sooner kill myself then change just to get a woman as they won't love me but my body and F*** that. Can I go up to these women and tell them to go hit a gym, you're fat, no cause we suppose to accept them for who they are.

whats next people telling me to have plastic surgery( the face equivalent of saying go to a gym.) one is considered rude and mean yet the other is considered ok. I don't get this.

I wish i had pictures to show what i looked like when I lost weight, while my pants were smaller size(mind you i still fit in them just tight) I didn't look that much different even though i was 25 pounds lighter. and really its not like I weigh 370 pounds like some guys i know f**k my ex friend weighs like 300 and he has a stick gf, and the one before that was a gorgeous stick gf hes also a as*hole to them though.

You don't need to go to a gym, just get fitter/healthier. I haven't been to a gym for years, but I'm in fairly good physical shape. I workout at home and run outside. I eat healthily as well.

People want to be with people that take care of themselves & their health. I'm not sure what you don't get about this. It's generally considered unattractive to not care about your health & physical fitness. Personally, I could never see myself dating someone that didn't take care of themselves. Health is wealth & how you do anything is how you do everything.. so if you're out of shape, chances are the rest of your life is in shambles as well. Huge red flag that says "un-datable," to me. No one is obligated to accept others how they are and almost everyone judges others. It's just the way it is. First impressions go a long way.. and if peoples first impression of you is that you're out of shape, unhealthy, lazy etc well it's not going to bode well in terms of those people wanting to date you. Sorry if this sounds harsh or mean, but it is what it is.

No, people won't tell you to have plastic surgery. The reason that's rude and advising someone to hit the gym isn't is that peoples looks are completely beyond their control whereas their general health and fitness levels are something that they can control 100% by the decisions they make to do exercise and eat a healthy diet. Being out of shape is a choice, being "ugly," (subjective) isn't, so it's not considered rude to encourage someone to make healthier lifestyle choices and get themselves into better shape but it is considered rude to tell someone they should surgically alter their looks.

No, you're not 300+ lbs... but if you were you could say at least you're not 600lbs. It's all relative. The point is that you're not in what anyone would consider good/fit/athletic physical shape and thus there is certainly room for improvement, and getting into better shape will make you look better, feel better, likely think clearer and be more attractive to others - which is the whole point considering you're trying to find someone to date.

You have to be willing to do the hard work required to get what you want. Nothing worth doing is easy. Put in the hard work and develop self discipline. Get fitter and healthier and you'll be more attractive to others. If you're not willing to make positive changes for yourself then you're not going to get any different results than you're getting now. It really is that simple.

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12 Feb 2014, 2:06 pm

goldfish21 wrote:
You have to be willing to do the hard work required to get what you want. Nothing worth doing is easy. Put in the hard work and develop self discipline. Get fitter and healthier and you'll be more attractive to others. If you're not willing to make positive changes for yourself then you're not going to get any different results than you're getting now. It really is that simple.

I agree with goldfish's entire post, but particularly this paragraph here.

I was going to add something else to it but I forgot at the moment. I'll be back if I remember.


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12 Feb 2014, 2:42 pm

automotive, and cause in the class room we can take our time , in the real job its all about speed and accuracy. i can't do the noise it makes me blink(which is bad) I'm also slower then most people and anti confrontation, so in a job where speed is important and yelling at each other if common place, i cant do it, i went as fast as i could and it wasn't enough, also moving really expensive cars in and out of stalls that have 3" or less on each side s crazy anxiety , i acutally damaged one a little bit and i was terrified,

that seems unfair i thought we were in a age where women want to be equals. i don't know who all these couples happen where the guy is a reall mooch and yet he has this great girl.

This is a demanded field, you can easily go work alone as freelance.

Go out there, start building a clientele and make some money.


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12 Feb 2014, 6:13 pm

goldfish21 wrote:
sly279 wrote:
a gym will never be affordable for me, plus i'd sooner kill myself then change just to get a woman as they won't love me but my body and F*** that. Can I go up to these women and tell them to go hit a gym, you're fat, no cause we suppose to accept them for who they are.

whats next people telling me to have plastic surgery( the face equivalent of saying go to a gym.) one is considered rude and mean yet the other is considered ok. I don't get this.

I wish i had pictures to show what i looked like when I lost weight, while my pants were smaller size(mind you i still fit in them just tight) I didn't look that much different even though i was 25 pounds lighter. and really its not like I weigh 370 pounds like some guys i know f**k my ex friend weighs like 300 and he has a stick gf, and the one before that was a gorgeous stick gf hes also a as*hole to them though.

You don't need to go to a gym, just get fitter/healthier. I haven't been to a gym for years, but I'm in fairly good physical shape. I workout at home and run outside. I eat healthily as well.

People want to be with people that take care of themselves & their health. I'm not sure what you don't get about this. It's generally considered unattractive to not care about your health & physical fitness. Personally, I could never see myself dating someone that didn't take care of themselves. Health is wealth & how you do anything is how you do everything.. so if you're out of shape, chances are the rest of your life is in shambles as well. Huge red flag that says "un-datable," to me. No one is obligated to accept others how they are and almost everyone judges others. It's just the way it is. First impressions go a long way.. and if peoples first impression of you is that you're out of shape, unhealthy, lazy etc well it's not going to bode well in terms of those people wanting to date you. Sorry if this sounds harsh or mean, but it is what it is.

No, people won't tell you to have plastic surgery. The reason that's rude and advising someone to hit the gym isn't is that peoples looks are completely beyond their control whereas their general health and fitness levels are something that they can control 100% by the decisions they make to do exercise and eat a healthy diet. Being out of shape is a choice, being "ugly," (subjective) isn't, so it's not considered rude to encourage someone to make healthier lifestyle choices and get themselves into better shape but it is considered rude to tell someone they should surgically alter their looks.

No, you're not 300+ lbs... but if you were you could say at least you're not 600lbs. It's all relative. The point is that you're not in what anyone would consider good/fit/athletic physical shape and thus there is certainly room for improvement, and getting into better shape will make you look better, feel better, likely think clearer and be more attractive to others - which is the whole point considering you're trying to find someone to date.

You have to be willing to do the hard work required to get what you want. Nothing worth doing is easy. Put in the hard work and develop self discipline. Get fitter and healthier and you'll be more attractive to others. If you're not willing to make positive changes for yourself then you're not going to get any different results than you're getting now. It really is that simple.

people come in all shapes and sizes not everyone needs to be athletic to be healthy, i hardly ever get sick, however i know some athletic people who get sick a lot.

and no cause i'll never be 300+ pounds i work on staying where i am to the best of my ability. also there are bunch of people that would consider me in good shape, I'm not athletic no, i don't like sports, i imagine for some thats important, they love going to the gym its their main hobby, congrats for them. I'm a homebuddy. I enjoy hikes every so often, but the gym is not fun.

also i do care about my health, or i'd be 500 pounds, I do my best to limit my food intact and get cheapest healthiest food i can find given my restraints. you wouldn't be the type of person i want to be with frankly when someone says " i go to the gym every day" its a turn off for me, its one of the things that really bothers me about my friend, so obsessed with working out. omg

what about the millions of non skinny women??

in 50 years 70% of america will be obese and another 50 worst, its a trend that isn't being slowed compared to alot i'm thin compared to athletic people i'm fat.

do you all want tme to look like a skelton, what part of i've always had a belly and always will don't make sense, so if i can't get rid of the belly i'll always look fat unless theres some kind of chest bone flating surgery o.O

running/walking outside is impossible do to shyness and anxiety , working out inside is impossible from space, i'd love to have a good treadmill($1000) but i can't afford it or have space to use it.

also people only see my face not my belly so they going interlly off my face, not one girl who've i met in person has complained or rejected me from my weight.

i don't want a woman who only wants a fit body, as its very unlikely i'd be able to maintain one if i every got to one i see this as dating a guy cause he has a porsche . if i almost good enough to join the marines then why am i not good enough for women. marines have fit standards.

but i guess i should just delete my profiles and wait for the day i can die and leave this aweful planet :'( or until i can expedite it as it seems unlikey that a world war will happen or terrorist attack in my area, and waiting 60 years sounds aweful.


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12 Feb 2014, 6:22 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
automotive, and cause in the class room we can take our time , in the real job its all about speed and accuracy. i can't do the noise it makes me blink(which is bad) I'm also slower then most people and anti confrontation, so in a job where speed is important and yelling at each other if common place, i cant do it, i went as fast as i could and it wasn't enough, also moving really expensive cars in and out of stalls that have 3" or less on each side s crazy anxiety , i acutally damaged one a little bit and i was terrified,

that seems unfair i thought we were in a age where women want to be equals. i don't know who all these couples happen where the guy is a reall mooch and yet he has this great girl.

This is a demanded field, you can easily go work alone as freelance.

Go out there, start building a clientele and make some money.

thats not as easy as one thinks, you need manuals or mitcheal on demand, tools tons of tools, a place to work on the cars, some kind of lift, oh and if you f**k up they come back angry at you wanting to hit you. all that cost a s**t ton of money one wrench is $30 and it goes up and up from there.

also most people want to stop in at lunch have you replace their engine and have it back in a hour. and at-least in my area, we have more mechanics then needed, with at least 2 mechanic schools poping out 30 mechanics every year, and shops closing left and right. there's no demand for mechanics in this state. there is a big supply of them though. and most are better then me :(

and the most important thing i lack for free lance, the ability to tell whats wrong with a car. i know a guy who does free lance but hes f*****g good at this he also takes short cuts that are like using duck tape to fix stuff, but with weilding. he'll buy a car make it run and sell it for twice what he paid.

i'd love to work at a parts store, i could use my knowledge of fixing stuff to help people and still be in the field so to speak. it'd also combine my joy of cashiering and meeting people too.

but at least the parts store that has been undermanned for 2 years now, still won't hire me, they'd rather hire no one. to be fair their last employees quite cause the manger is a as*hole, so its probably good they don't hire me.


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12 Feb 2014, 6:42 pm

sly279 wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
sly279 wrote:
a gym will never be affordable for me, plus i'd sooner kill myself then change just to get a woman as they won't love me but my body and F*** that. Can I go up to these women and tell them to go hit a gym, you're fat, no cause we suppose to accept them for who they are.

whats next people telling me to have plastic surgery( the face equivalent of saying go to a gym.) one is considered rude and mean yet the other is considered ok. I don't get this.

I wish i had pictures to show what i looked like when I lost weight, while my pants were smaller size(mind you i still fit in them just tight) I didn't look that much different even though i was 25 pounds lighter. and really its not like I weigh 370 pounds like some guys i know f**k my ex friend weighs like 300 and he has a stick gf, and the one before that was a gorgeous stick gf hes also a as*hole to them though.

You don't need to go to a gym, just get fitter/healthier. I haven't been to a gym for years, but I'm in fairly good physical shape. I workout at home and run outside. I eat healthily as well.

People want to be with people that take care of themselves & their health. I'm not sure what you don't get about this. It's generally considered unattractive to not care about your health & physical fitness. Personally, I could never see myself dating someone that didn't take care of themselves. Health is wealth & how you do anything is how you do everything.. so if you're out of shape, chances are the rest of your life is in shambles as well. Huge red flag that says "un-datable," to me. No one is obligated to accept others how they are and almost everyone judges others. It's just the way it is. First impressions go a long way.. and if peoples first impression of you is that you're out of shape, unhealthy, lazy etc well it's not going to bode well in terms of those people wanting to date you. Sorry if this sounds harsh or mean, but it is what it is.

No, people won't tell you to have plastic surgery. The reason that's rude and advising someone to hit the gym isn't is that peoples looks are completely beyond their control whereas their general health and fitness levels are something that they can control 100% by the decisions they make to do exercise and eat a healthy diet. Being out of shape is a choice, being "ugly," (subjective) isn't, so it's not considered rude to encourage someone to make healthier lifestyle choices and get themselves into better shape but it is considered rude to tell someone they should surgically alter their looks.

No, you're not 300+ lbs... but if you were you could say at least you're not 600lbs. It's all relative. The point is that you're not in what anyone would consider good/fit/athletic physical shape and thus there is certainly room for improvement, and getting into better shape will make you look better, feel better, likely think clearer and be more attractive to others - which is the whole point considering you're trying to find someone to date.

You have to be willing to do the hard work required to get what you want. Nothing worth doing is easy. Put in the hard work and develop self discipline. Get fitter and healthier and you'll be more attractive to others. If you're not willing to make positive changes for yourself then you're not going to get any different results than you're getting now. It really is that simple.

people come in all shapes and sizes not everyone needs to be athletic to be healthy, i hardly ever get sick, however i know some athletic people who get sick a lot.

and no cause i'll never be 300+ pounds i work on staying where i am to the best of my ability. also there are bunch of people that would consider me in good shape, I'm not athletic no, i don't like sports, i imagine for some thats important, they love going to the gym its their main hobby, congrats for them. I'm a homebuddy. I enjoy hikes every so often, but the gym is not fun.

also i do care about my health, or i'd be 500 pounds, I do my best to limit my food intact and get cheapest healthiest food i can find given my restraints. you wouldn't be the type of person i want to be with frankly when someone says " i go to the gym every day" its a turn off for me, its one of the things that really bothers me about my friend, so obsessed with working out. omg

what about the millions of non skinny women??

in 50 years 70% of america will be obese and another 50 worst, its a trend that isn't being slowed compared to alot i'm thin compared to athletic people i'm fat.

do you all want tme to look like a skelton, what part of i've always had a belly and always will don't make sense, so if i can't get rid of the belly i'll always look fat unless theres some kind of chest bone flating surgery o.O

running/walking outside is impossible do to shyness and anxiety , working out inside is impossible from space, i'd love to have a good treadmill($1000) but i can't afford it or have space to use it.

also people only see my face not my belly so they going interlly off my face, not one girl who've i met in person has complained or rejected me from my weight.

i don't want a woman who only wants a fit body, as its very unlikely i'd be able to maintain one if i every got to one i see this as dating a guy cause he has a porsche . if i almost good enough to join the marines then why am i not good enough for women. marines have fit standards.

but i guess i should just delete my profiles and wait for the day i can die and leave this aweful planet :'( or until i can expedite it as it seems unlikey that a world war will happen or terrorist attack in my area, and waiting 60 years sounds aweful.

You asked for advice. In general, fitter healthier people are more attractive to others. At the moment it doesn't sound like you're willing to change anything you're doing in order to be more attractive to potential dates.. so why bother asking for advice if you intend to continue doing as you've always done and getting as you've always gotten?

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12 Feb 2014, 7:02 pm

goldfish21 wrote:
sly279 wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
sly279 wrote:
a gym will never be affordable for me, plus i'd sooner kill myself then change just to get a woman as they won't love me but my body and F*** that. Can I go up to these women and tell them to go hit a gym, you're fat, no cause we suppose to accept them for who they are.

whats next people telling me to have plastic surgery( the face equivalent of saying go to a gym.) one is considered rude and mean yet the other is considered ok. I don't get this.

I wish i had pictures to show what i looked like when I lost weight, while my pants were smaller size(mind you i still fit in them just tight) I didn't look that much different even though i was 25 pounds lighter. and really its not like I weigh 370 pounds like some guys i know f**k my ex friend weighs like 300 and he has a stick gf, and the one before that was a gorgeous stick gf hes also a as*hole to them though.

You don't need to go to a gym, just get fitter/healthier. I haven't been to a gym for years, but I'm in fairly good physical shape. I workout at home and run outside. I eat healthily as well.

People want to be with people that take care of themselves & their health. I'm not sure what you don't get about this. It's generally considered unattractive to not care about your health & physical fitness. Personally, I could never see myself dating someone that didn't take care of themselves. Health is wealth & how you do anything is how you do everything.. so if you're out of shape, chances are the rest of your life is in shambles as well. Huge red flag that says "un-datable," to me. No one is obligated to accept others how they are and almost everyone judges others. It's just the way it is. First impressions go a long way.. and if peoples first impression of you is that you're out of shape, unhealthy, lazy etc well it's not going to bode well in terms of those people wanting to date you. Sorry if this sounds harsh or mean, but it is what it is.

No, people won't tell you to have plastic surgery. The reason that's rude and advising someone to hit the gym isn't is that peoples looks are completely beyond their control whereas their general health and fitness levels are something that they can control 100% by the decisions they make to do exercise and eat a healthy diet. Being out of shape is a choice, being "ugly," (subjective) isn't, so it's not considered rude to encourage someone to make healthier lifestyle choices and get themselves into better shape but it is considered rude to tell someone they should surgically alter their looks.

No, you're not 300+ lbs... but if you were you could say at least you're not 600lbs. It's all relative. The point is that you're not in what anyone would consider good/fit/athletic physical shape and thus there is certainly room for improvement, and getting into better shape will make you look better, feel better, likely think clearer and be more attractive to others - which is the whole point considering you're trying to find someone to date.

You have to be willing to do the hard work required to get what you want. Nothing worth doing is easy. Put in the hard work and develop self discipline. Get fitter and healthier and you'll be more attractive to others. If you're not willing to make positive changes for yourself then you're not going to get any different results than you're getting now. It really is that simple.

people come in all shapes and sizes not everyone needs to be athletic to be healthy, i hardly ever get sick, however i know some athletic people who get sick a lot.

and no cause i'll never be 300+ pounds i work on staying where i am to the best of my ability. also there are bunch of people that would consider me in good shape, I'm not athletic no, i don't like sports, i imagine for some thats important, they love going to the gym its their main hobby, congrats for them. I'm a homebuddy. I enjoy hikes every so often, but the gym is not fun.

also i do care about my health, or i'd be 500 pounds, I do my best to limit my food intact and get cheapest healthiest food i can find given my restraints. you wouldn't be the type of person i want to be with frankly when someone says " i go to the gym every day" its a turn off for me, its one of the things that really bothers me about my friend, so obsessed with working out. omg

what about the millions of non skinny women??

in 50 years 70% of america will be obese and another 50 worst, its a trend that isn't being slowed compared to alot i'm thin compared to athletic people i'm fat.

do you all want tme to look like a skelton, what part of i've always had a belly and always will don't make sense, so if i can't get rid of the belly i'll always look fat unless theres some kind of chest bone flating surgery o.O

running/walking outside is impossible do to shyness and anxiety , working out inside is impossible from space, i'd love to have a good treadmill($1000) but i can't afford it or have space to use it.

also people only see my face not my belly so they going interlly off my face, not one girl who've i met in person has complained or rejected me from my weight.

i don't want a woman who only wants a fit body, as its very unlikely i'd be able to maintain one if i every got to one i see this as dating a guy cause he has a porsche . if i almost good enough to join the marines then why am i not good enough for women. marines have fit standards.

but i guess i should just delete my profiles and wait for the day i can die and leave this aweful planet :'( or until i can expedite it as it seems unlikey that a world war will happen or terrorist attack in my area, and waiting 60 years sounds aweful.

You asked for advice. In general, fitter healthier people are more attractive to others. At the moment it doesn't sound like you're willing to change anything you're doing in order to be more attractive to potential dates.. so why bother asking for advice if you intend to continue doing as you've always done and getting as you've always gotten?

i have made changes, but if my only choices are to be unhappy alone, or unhappy being with a woman having to do stuff that makesme unhappy then its no choice, I'll just die alone.

to some working out might make you happy, but it makes me unhappy, i don't want to have to do something unpleasant to get a girl then keep doing it to keep her. not to mention to do so is fake.,

if i got a girl and walked around with her and lost weight yeah,

so your advice is don't be you.
i should become a fake to to get girls, and i should be unhealthy and look like a holocaust scurvier. no thanks. and as i previous said even if i enjoyred loved working out, i can't unless you know of a free gym that also gives free rides???

i've changed how i dress, changed my hair style, i even shaved my beard for a woman, then met her and she didn't like it shaved . I draw the line at doing stuff that will make me more unhappy and more stressed out. esspically when doing so won't increase my chances of getting a girl i'll still be not attractive in my face, and poor.

it just hurts be told to do stuff i can't do and would make me unhappy :(

theres more fat people in the usa then thin people, so why is it imposable i can find a nice fat woman?


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12 Feb 2014, 7:38 pm

sly279 wrote:
i have made changes, but if my only choices are to be unhappy alone, or unhappy being with a woman having to do stuff that makesme unhappy then its no choice, I'll just die alone.

to some working out might make you happy, but it makes me unhappy, i don't want to have to do something unpleasant to get a girl then keep doing it to keep her. not to mention to do so is fake.,

if i got a girl and walked around with her and lost weight yeah,

so your advice is don't be you.
i should become a fake to to get girls, and i should be unhealthy and look like a holocaust scurvier. no thanks. and as i previous said even if i enjoyred loved working out, i can't unless you know of a free gym that also gives free rides???

i've changed how i dress, changed my hair style, i even shaved my beard for a woman, then met her and she didn't like it shaved . I draw the line at doing stuff that will make me more unhappy and more stressed out. esspically when doing so won't increase my chances of getting a girl i'll still be not attractive in my face, and poor.

it just hurts be told to do stuff i can't do and would make me unhappy :(

theres more fat people in the usa then thin people, so why is it imposable i can find a nice fat woman?

Exercise has been proven to make people feel happier, so it shouldn't make you unhappy to do it.

I don't care for gyms. I exercise at home and outside.

No, my advice is be an ever improving version of yourself - constantly striving for a happier healthier you.

Yeah, I know of a free gym.. it's called outside! Seriously.

Just because there are a lot of unhealthy people in the USA doesn't mean you have to settle for being out of shape yourself. Even if you remain single, why wouldn't you want to be healthier and happier for yourself?

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.


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13 Feb 2014, 2:25 am

My sister, who is a 24 year old NT female, looked at your profile over my shoulder while I was viewing it and gave me a couple of suggestions to tell you.

She said she wouldn't mention that you're jobless in your profile, that's something they can find out later.

She said instead of saying, "I'm good at making stuff out of wood" and "getting better at fixing cars", she said it was too vague. She said she would phrase the same thing as, "I'm good at woodwork, and currently I'm working on... (or if you're not working on) I have made (insert what you've made out of wood here)" She said for the car part she'd put, "Improving on my auto mechanic skills."

For the books section, she said it was too vague and wanted to know what kind of books you like to read.

She said for the photos, the profile one was fine other than the fact that she wished you would smile, but the other two additional photos on the site she said she'd take down and replace with photos that are either taken from a more level view of your face (like the profile photo), and/or also including a bit of your torso (like the profile photo).

What she's trying to say is take a photo that is level to your face so you are not looking down at the camera. It makes anyone who takes a photo from that angles' neck disappear.

The grammar mistakes also bugged the hell out of her.

These suggestions may be helpful to you.


On a sidenote, I do completely agree with everything goldfish has said. Yes there are some people who like going to the gym but most people honestly don't.. Not just the gym but working out in general. Most people don't but do it because they know it's good for them. Just try to do what you feel that you can. Maybe try doing jumping jacks, jog in place or do some push ups during commercials for TV or whatever you usually do during the day.
Although the main thing is diet. It is hard to eat a good diet on a budget but it's not impossible. Again, just keep trying to do what you can. It's all you can do.
Eating right and working out does do wonders for things like improvement in depression among a host of other things, so maybe somehow getting that initial push to get going may wind up doing wonders in many aspects in your life. It could be something to try.


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13 Feb 2014, 3:05 am

sly279 wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
automotive, and cause in the class room we can take our time , in the real job its all about speed and accuracy. i can't do the noise it makes me blink(which is bad) I'm also slower then most people and anti confrontation, so in a job where speed is important and yelling at each other if common place, i cant do it, i went as fast as i could and it wasn't enough, also moving really expensive cars in and out of stalls that have 3" or less on each side s crazy anxiety , i acutally damaged one a little bit and i was terrified,

that seems unfair i thought we were in a age where women want to be equals. i don't know who all these couples happen where the guy is a reall mooch and yet he has this great girl.

This is a demanded field, you can easily go work alone as freelance.

Go out there, start building a clientele and make some money.

thats not as easy as one thinks, you need manuals or mitcheal on demand, tools tons of tools, a place to work on the cars, some kind of lift, oh and if you f**k up they come back angry at you wanting to hit you. all that cost a sh** ton of money one wrench is $30 and it goes up and up from there.

also most people want to stop in at lunch have you replace their engine and have it back in a hour. and at-least in my area, we have more mechanics then needed, with at least 2 mechanic schools poping out 30 mechanics every year, and shops closing left and right. there's no demand for mechanics in this state. there is a big supply of them though. and most are better then me :(

and the most important thing i lack for free lance, the ability to tell whats wrong with a car. i know a guy who does free lance but hes f***ing good at this he also takes short cuts that are like using duck tape to fix stuff, but with weilding. he'll buy a car make it run and sell it for twice what he paid.

i'd love to work at a parts store, i could use my knowledge of fixing stuff to help people and still be in the field so to speak. it'd also combine my joy of cashiering and meeting people too.

but at least the parts store that has been undermanned for 2 years now, still won't hire me, they'd rather hire no one. to be fair their last employees quite cause the manger is a as*hole, so its probably good they don't hire me.

Well, you need work experience - maybe you can offer some volunteering work to assist some experienced mechanic? and learn from him in the process?

I dunno much about mechanics, but you need to do something.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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13 Feb 2014, 4:00 am

You have to remember that this is a promotional tool and you are trying to sell yourself. You being the product and your profile being the ad. I would look at how others are writing their profiles and adjust yours accordingly. You don’t have to lie but you don’t need to add every detail about yourself in your profile. Don't point out the negatives as much. Be cool and the chicks will dig you. 8)