Homer_Bob wrote:
I'll be glad to answer your questions. My sister has Aspergers like me. She's not social at all, in fact very withdrawn. She gets dates the way many women get dates, by meeting guys at school and at work. My sister is considered attractive so guys were very persistent with her. After getting to know guys at school/work for a month or so, she would eventually give into them and agree to go out with them if they asked her enough times. Some of her boyfriends were decent and some were disasters but she was able to get boyfriends in a way I will never be able to get a girlfriend. Women can get away with being introverted because if they are considered attractive enough, they will eventually land offers with men simply for existing. Trust me, my sister has never been to a party or has ever online dated anyone so she barely had to do any work at all.
still,she still around guys,she doesn't isolated herself,or with draw from men.
so,she still ''social''or at least around people.