Learning some PUA skills might be useful

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22 Mar 2014, 7:29 pm

I HATE teasing. :x anybody that does such to me is on my more or less permanent PNG list. and body language is just so primitive, humans are supposed to have evolved past all that atavistic stuff.


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22 Mar 2014, 8:59 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
^ i should make a wisdom-sharing video titled "What the f***ing is wrong with women on youtube lately?".

There are plenty of those already.


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24 Mar 2014, 12:55 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
marshall wrote:
There should really be distinction between nice guys and Nice Guys (TM) (as explained by the speaker if you watched the video). Women don't always reject the latter type of guy because they'd rather have a Bad Boy (TM). They reject them because there's a point where the niceness no longer seems like genuine niceness. It comes across as manipulation. Its actually pushy and patronizing to try to make someone like you. They have to be allowed to choose for themselves.

No, the speaker was saying that the genuine nice guys should do things that bad guys do to trigger attraction (pua-like stuff, teasing, body language) and by acquiring those typical 'bad boys'-skills they evolve to Great Guys.

You obviously didn't get the point of the video.

Well, the stuff the guy in the video described himself doing before he had his awakening , even if it was genuine, still seemed overly ingratiating. Sending 15 text messages in a row could easily turn someone off, as could sending them tons of unwanted gifts. I've heard women complain about Nice Guys (TM) and what they described wasn't shyness or social awkwardness that turned them off, it was being overly ingratiating, insecure, and desperate. I'm just attacking stupid false dichotomies.


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29 Mar 2014, 11:42 am

Some of you may find this article informative on how male and female sexual responses differ.

http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/25/magaz ... ted=1&_r=0

The vagina is likely to moisten in response to a wide variety of stimuli (compared to the likelihood of a penis stiffening), but, often women claim that they aren't turned on when their vaginae indicate otherwise. For men, the cognitive and physiological sexual responses are more synchronous.

Women seem to lubricate, if only protectively, to hints of sex in their surroundings.

It also turns out that intimacy isn't much of a turn on for women. In listening to audiotaped stories, women had the greatest levels of sexual arousal when the story was about sex with a stranger (versus sex with a long-time lover).

Female desire...is not governed by the relational factors that, we like to think, rule women’s sexuality as opposed to men’s....

...women’s desire is not relational, it’s narcissistic” — it is dominated by the yearnings of “self-love,” by the wish to be the object of erotic admiration and sexual need. Still on the subject of narcissism, she talked about research indicating that, in comparison with men, women’s erotic fantasies center less on giving pleasure and more on getting it. “When it comes to desire,” she added, “women may be far less relational than men.”....

....Meana spoke about two elements that contribute to her thinking: first, a great deal of data showing that, as measured by the frequency of fantasy, masturbation and sexual activity, women have a lower sex drive than men, and second, research suggesting that within long-term relationships, women are more likely than men to lose interest in sex. Meana posits that it takes a greater jolt, a more significant stimulus, to switch on a woman’s libido than a man’s....

....A symbolic scene ran through Meana’s talk of female lust: a woman pinned against an alley wall, being ravished. Here, in Meana’s vision, was an emblem of female heat. The ravisher is so overcome by a craving focused on this particular woman that he cannot contain himself; he transgresses societal codes in order to seize her, and she, feeling herself to be the unique object of his desire, is electrified by her own reactive charge and surrenders....

...Yet while Meana minimized the role of relationships in stoking desire, she didn’t dispense with the sexual relevance, for women, of being cared for and protected. “What women want is a real dilemma.....Women want to be thrown up against a wall but not truly endangered. Women want a caveman and caring. If I had to pick an actor who embodies all the qualities, all the contradictions, it would be Denzel Washington. He communicates that kind of power and that he is a good man.”...

Even lots of married men find themselves "friendzoned" by their wives after 20 years.

Another interesting article

http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/bil ... he-bedroom

Ogi Ogas wrote:
...One sexual enigma perplexes both women and their clinicians: Why do so many American women have difficulties in bed?

Twice as many women as men report trouble getting turned on. Health professionals report that low desire is the most common sexual complaint they hear from women. Though several factors specific to the design of the female brain contribute to this problem, there is one important psychological factor that may be unique to modern democracies. This factor is one of the unmentionables of sexual science, but since our book is filled with unmentionables, we'll whisper it here: GENDER EQUALITY INHIBITS AROUSAL

The majority of women have submission fantasies. From classic romance The Flame and The Flower to classic erotica The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty to Twilight BDSM fan fiction, submission themes are immensely popular in cross-cultural female erotica. The fact of the matter is that most heterosexual women are wired to find sexual submission arousing--and so are most female mammals....

...Though a woman's preference for physical sexual submission appears to be controlled by the unconscious, inaccessible subcortical part of her brain, this unconscious physical preference is complemented by an independent psychological preference for dominant men. Almost every quality of dominant males triggers arousal in the female brain: dominant scents, dominant gaits, deep voices, height, displays of wealth. Romance heroes are almost always high status alpha males—billionaires, barons, surgeons, sheriffs. Avon Books and Ellora's Cave feature no heroes who are kindergarten teachers, accountants, or plumbers. Even though there's been a trend away from the conspicuously rapey bodice-rippers of the seventies and eighties, women still want strong, dominant men.

"I think this is one of the problems we're having in romance in general right now: our heroes have gotten a little too PC. We're portraying men the way feminist ideals say they should be—respectful and consensus-building," muses erotic romance (EroRom) author Angela Knight. "Yet women like bad boys. I suspect that's because our inner cavewoman knows Doormat Man would become Sabertooth Tiger Lunch in short order. In fact, this may be one reason why EroRom is gaining popularity so fast--writers feel free to write dominant heroes with more of an edge."....

So, if you want some sex, then you might want to study up on some of the PUA techniques.


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29 Mar 2014, 11:50 am

Or, you know, stop thinking of sex as so important. Mastrubate to relieve tension if you have to, but don't make yourself into a slave of sexual desire, that's no way to live.


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29 Mar 2014, 12:16 pm

if women and men are so mercenary [in their own ways] then what is the secret of happily married couples who've exceeded 20 years?


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29 Mar 2014, 12:31 pm

auntblabby wrote:
if women and men are so mercenary [in their own ways] then what is the secret of happily married couples who've exceeded 20 years?



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29 Mar 2014, 12:35 pm

leafplant wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
if women and men are so mercenary [in their own ways] then what is the secret of happily married couples who've exceeded 20 years?


I just think and feel that it is sad, that the lions' share of people nowadays think it is not only proper but lauditory to throw each other away after a short while, for a whole bunch of lame reasons, justified with legions of sickening excuses. people nowadays treat each other like used cars. I guess old-fashioned loyalty went out with button shoes.


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29 Mar 2014, 12:42 pm

auntblabby wrote:
leafplant wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
if women and men are so mercenary [in their own ways] then what is the secret of happily married couples who've exceeded 20 years?


I just think and feel that it is sad, that the lions' share of people nowadays think it is not only proper but lauditory to throw each other away after a short while, for a whole bunch of lame reasons, justified with legions of sickening excuses. people nowadays treat each other like used cars. I guess old-fashioned loyalty went out with button shoes.

It didn't. People still stay together - when they both WANT to stay together. What you think is old fashioned loyalty was in actual fact a lack of choice and acceptance of having to endure less than satisfactory life.


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29 Mar 2014, 12:47 pm



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29 Mar 2014, 1:22 pm

marshall wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
marshall wrote:
There should really be distinction between nice guys and Nice Guys (TM) (as explained by the speaker if you watched the video). Women don't always reject the latter type of guy because they'd rather have a Bad Boy (TM). They reject them because there's a point where the niceness no longer seems like genuine niceness. It comes across as manipulation. Its actually pushy and patronizing to try to make someone like you. They have to be allowed to choose for themselves.

No, the speaker was saying that the genuine nice guys should do things that bad guys do to trigger attraction (pua-like stuff, teasing, body language) and by acquiring those typical 'bad boys'-skills they evolve to Great Guys.

You obviously didn't get the point of the video.

Well, the stuff the guy in the video described himself doing before he had his awakening , even if it was genuine, still seemed overly ingratiating. Sending 15 text messages in a row could easily turn someone off, as could sending them tons of unwanted gifts. I've heard women complain about Nice Guys (TM) and what they described wasn't shyness or social awkwardness that turned them off, it was being overly ingratiating, insecure, and desperate. I'm just attacking stupid false dichotomies.

What guy? I am talking about the woman in the video posted in the first post.


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29 Mar 2014, 1:29 pm

Here is another one



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29 Mar 2014, 1:32 pm

Idk how she has the authority to talk about attracting guys, I couldn't watch more than 20 seconds of that, her voice is sooo grating. Not to be unkind, but who could put up with that!?


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30 Mar 2014, 11:34 am

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
What guy? I am talking about the woman in the video posted in the first post.

So what. She doesn't represent all women. I'm sure it's a lot more complicated than that. Not all women are identical, just like not all men are identical. There's plenty of sensitive-artist type guys who aren't exactly "alpha", but are far from being dateless. The shallow bimbo in the video you posted might not be interested in anything but other shallow bimbo's of the opposite sex, but she doesn't represent every single woman on the face of the earth.

Also, on the stuff Arrant Pariah posted, sexual fantasies don't equate to relationships. Just because a woman is aroused by fantasies of being dominated doesn't mean she's going to risk being raped in real life. Fear and self-preservation trumps sexual arousal every time.


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30 Mar 2014, 1:23 pm

ArrantPariah wrote:
Ogi Ogas wrote:
(...) our heroes have gotten a little too PC. We're portraying men the way feminist ideals say they should be—respectful and consensus-building (...)

Respectful, consensus-building men? THE HORROR. Society, you've done it this time - you have truly gone too far!

... Well, at least the text was so ridiculous that I got a good laugh out of it, if nothing else.

And by "if nothing else" I mean "definitely nothing else".