shadexiii wrote:
matt271 wrote:
naturally u should be attracted to some1 who would be a good mate.
nice boobs = good milk for baby
good curves = space for baby in womb
nice skin = healthy
That's great for biological drive, but it is more than that, and the definition of "good" can vary from person to person.
You said it. Imagine two arbitrary women, call them Anne and Betty, and two men Charlie and David. To Charlie, maybe Anne is nothing but skin and bones, while Betty is a good-looking, cuddly woman. But maybe to David, Anne is hot, while Bettie needs orange hazard lights and a Wide Load placard.
It's all in the perceptions. You can't just point at a group of women and say "Which of these women is the most attractive?" You have to specify to whom. There's always going to be someone who disagrees. This is why beauty pageants don't have one judge — they have a panel of three, or five, or nine. If everyone's tastes were the same, one judge would be all you'd ever need.
Renaissance Man, Mystic Zen Biker, the Lone Groover, the Eternal Stranger, alone in a crowd, forever trapped on the wrong side of the glass