SquidinHostBody wrote:
The Squid does not quite understand. If you have offended someone, why not give them an apology as a person, not as a woman? How does their mistreatment, and their being female gender have anything to do with it? I've watched threads where men will verbally gut each other. They don't apologize by saying "I'm sorry I have offended you, and since you're a guy, that is not fair." Gender should not play a role in who gets an apology, or why. Treat others as a human being, not as a gendered entity.
He's feeling guilty about his past jokes/generalizations/bitter posts and he doesn't want to be associated with the maniac shooter.
Tell that to The Squid, and he might understand.
Long live The Squid! Long live The Squid!
ps: Hey, me and you have something in common, we both have freaky heads.