Thing is, if someone asked me out to go to the movie then, I would be intensely watching that movie. Luckily the girl invited herself over and we had a movie at my place. Which was all about getting me to talk. Instead of focussing on the movie. Basics, wine, something small to eat. That was it. The focus time was on her and I knew it. Why else would she come over? Took me a while to realise that after I went to plenty of meetups ( That the whole point is to socialise and not really give that much weight to the actual event. The event is important, but more importantly, the people at the event is what you want to get to know. Yes it seems so obvious now, but back then I didn't realise it. And yes, I'm in my 30s.
Comment she makes. She can't read me, she doesn't know what I feel. She doesn't understand why I am aloof. She thinks I'm not interested. Then pulls away, then I think she pulls away and I think it is over. (because nobody talks to each other) Instead if we talk about it, get it out in the open, so that it can be dealt with. We had to go through plenty of insecurities (from both sides). We still have some, but we are dealing with them instead of letting them hang in the air.
I am very cautious because it always feels like I end up being used. So it makes me a sceptic. Being a sceptic also makes it difficult for people to think that I like them when they think I'm treating them like an idiot, when I'm merely formulating my thoughts externally.
I don't like to be shamed, shaming is one of the biggest problems of creating anxiety. Making me aware of my lack of external feelings (facing the world). doesn't mean that I do not have rich internal feelings.
When I get sarcastic, I get very creative with ideas and mock thinking that way. However the alternative personality uses that to their advantage.
Again take into account this is part of my personality and everyone is different. His anxieties could be triggered by something else.