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10 Jun 2014, 9:02 pm

Anything with a difference of more than 3 years is probably pushing it for me.

I'm 22

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10 Jun 2014, 9:26 pm

I'm attracted to girls 18-25 yrs old but for me, I would feel uncomfortable, in our society, actually dating a girl whom is more than 4 years younger/older.

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10 Jun 2014, 11:21 pm

I've always been attracted to girls a year or two older than me, but i would go with 2 years plus or minus my age.

but i've never "officially" dated, so i don't know...

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19 Jun 2014, 1:14 pm



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19 Jun 2014, 2:16 pm

Funny how the low end of the range tends to be right at the legal age of consent, huh? :) This makes me wonder, though: do guys in their 30s, 40s, 50s actually get dates with 18-20 year old girls? The topic question is, after all, "what age range do you date?", not "what age range would you date?" And if the answer is "yes" - is it a sugar-daddy kind of relationship or more or less a standard one? It would be interesting to hear from people with such experiences (from either side).

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20 Jun 2014, 2:32 am

I still can't seem to get a date, but the age range I go for is 18-35 ( I go 2 years older max, just not really into older women )

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20 Jun 2014, 5:05 am

FMX wrote:
It would be interesting to hear from people with such experiences (from either side).

When I was 19, I dated a 15 year old. Obviously not the greatest idea (age of consent here is 16), but all of our friends were cool with it.

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20 Jun 2014, 5:20 am

I'm 24 and I prefer strongly to go no younger than 20.

I approach it as age just being a number, physical attraction and maturity can come regardless, but maturity at 18/19 I've found to be a huge problem. Ideally, I prefer 23+, because 23 seems to be the age when people start realizing who they really are and what they want. Everyone else just wants to party and find acknowledgement.

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20 Jun 2014, 9:37 pm

FMX wrote:
Funny how the low end of the range tends to be right at the legal age of consent, huh? :) This makes me wonder, though: do guys in their 30s, 40s, 50s actually get dates with 18-20 year old girls? The topic question is, after all, "what age range do you date?", not "what age range would you date?" And if the answer is "yes" - is it a sugar-daddy kind of relationship or more or less a standard one? It would be interesting to hear from people with such experiences (from either side).

I am 26, I have seemed to get more dates with younger women. 19-20ish by a slight majority. Maybe they are more open minded then older women here. I am a bit hesitent to be with 20 and younger though as I see them as immature, which I am child like but I am responsible also. standard ones but most were just dates, not to the gf/bf point. age of consent is 16 here, but the age difference is illegal for sex if one is under 18 and other is over, though the cops didn't do anything when a 23 year old started dating and sleeping with my underage niece.

I wouldn't go under 16 quite frankly 20 and under I feel uncomfortable, under 18 I would probably have anxiety and panic attacks. I wouldn't every kiss, or touch besides hand holding I guess. only way I would ever do it is if they approached me and their whole family was ok with it, and with hold all touching until they are 18-19ish. doesn't seem real practical relationship. I hope it doesn't seem pedo . it would have to be a really rare case, but i wouldn't 100% refuse love if it met all the requirements.

i mean look at it this way.
16 with a 22 year old is seen bad
20 with a 26 year old is seen as ok.
its the same age gap in fact couple A could wait til the 16 is 20 and it would be seen as acceptable.

same as
15 with a 17 good
17 with a 19 bad
so when the oldest in a on going couple turns 18 should they break up?

I think society is funny on this matter and yet I don't think 16 and 22 should date but a 20 and 26 is ok. I guess it should be more about the maturity of the people. there can be some super mature teenagers, I was one.

I don't attract underage women thank god, but i do seem to get along better with 18-20 year olds I imagine as I age i will get along with the same people as they age.

My friend's younger sister turns 18 in july, she is sweet, kind, open minded and silly. just the kind of woman i like, sadly she is 17 soon 18, I wouldn't likely allow it even if she asked me out, good thing shes on the other side of the states and pretty and thin. I ant the type for thin people. that said My friend seems to kinda want to hook us up. I think he likes the idea of one of his close friends becoming family, that and her past bf's(old as me or older and some her age) have been abusive and mean to her and he knows I'm a sweetie. I find it odd though and uncomfortable. I don't want someone trying to hook me up with an underage girl and then me getting in trouble. I don't get why parents would be ok with it either o.O


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20 Jun 2014, 10:52 pm

I know they say girls mature faster than guys, but just because you act mature doesn't mean you're actually mature. 25 is old enough to get all the young stuff out of the way.

35 is when complications involving pregnancy start to become more and more likely (I'd still like to have a kid). Mark me down for 25-35.

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20 Jun 2014, 11:01 pm

Well, if I could have my youth back, at lets say, young adult, 20ish, and could live forever that way, then any age that is legal and above would become my standard. esp when you get to be about 1000 years old.

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21 Jun 2014, 1:08 pm

18 to 35. I am most interested in boys 30-32 year old (I am 25) since they already think of life seriously but for some reason all boys that are interested in me are my age or 1 - 3 years younger. Of all boys that were determined enough to make me dating them (I am very stubborn so it isn't an easy job) one was a few months older and the other two were 1 and 2 years younger than me. What's funny their birthdays were very similliar: 4, 5 and 6 of April... Nice coincidence, isn't it? I was not choosing or looking for them, they just stick to me themselves...


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21 Jun 2014, 4:17 pm

I don't know beneath my age but I could date women under 40.


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21 Jun 2014, 4:22 pm

I am 22 and I prefer to date guys aged 24-26. My range would go from 21 to 28 though. That doesn't mean that I will immediately reject if I happen to meet someone that is 29....


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29 Jun 2014, 11:16 pm

I'd probably go for someone around the ages of 21-23. If they're the same age as me, I wouldn't mind that much, either.


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01 Jul 2014, 1:07 am

I never really dated persay but I had 3 girlfriends. My 1st was 15 when I was 20. My 2nd was 19 when I was 28 & we met here on WP. My current is about 4 months older than me & we also met on this site. My 1st had a lot in common interests & we had weird things in common that allowed us to relate. We were both dyslexic, she had ADHD & I have ADD & we both had OCD. She never had a dad & it was kind of an older brother/little sister relationship. It didn't work out for various reasons some of which were because of my emotional state. My 2nd had a strong desire to be independent which I'm not & kind of took charge. Before I met my current I would of rathered date someone younger due to me being immature in some ways, behind in various milestones with life, & have a strong desire to be emotionally supportive of my partner. I figured someone younger would be more on the rite level for me even thou that wasn't the case with my 2nd because our Aspie personalities were opposite extremes. My current is on the rite level for me & that's what counts.

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