goldfish21 wrote:
However, I've talked to/met both guys & girls that are in good-to-great shape who are only attracted to fat guys. My point is that there are all types of people out there and all types that are/aren't attracted to them.
Since there are all types of women who are attracted to fat guys, I assure you that being fat is not that only reason you're without a girlfriend. Chances are it's more to do with your personality, behavior, confidence, and other things.
I believe they are out there, but likely in the minority. It doesn't seem they are on dating sites and why would they there's probably 20 fat guys to every one woman who finds them attractive. they have tons of choices without needing to go online to find them.
however at least in my area, skinny athletic guys are not as common, where as we have a over abundance of thin women. probably why most online daters here are thin women looking for but not finding thin guys. I won't dive into the percentage of thing guys that are as*holes or just after sex, I couldn't geuss but most the thin women list that the guys they've met has been those types.
I really do intend to do studies if I ever win the lottery I think it would be fun. as is I could only use comparing online profiles and cl ads.
"Chances are it's more to do with your personality, behavior, confidence, and
other things."
lack of good job, own place, money.
not knowing where these thin girls who love fatties live.
oh and my face I was born with
other things I tend to be ok with though as with anything results vary woman to woman. some behaviors one woman might find bad, another will find silly, cute and attractive.