kraftiekortie wrote:
I know a woman who had her first kids at 53. Twins. Perfectly healthy. You have time. Many women have their first kids in their 40's these days. I know this for a fact.
LOL..I actually apologize for not looking at your profile. I didn't know your gender/sex when I posted.
50's seems rather selfish, parents will be in their mid-60's when the child starts the rebellion nonsense, and that phase in a teenagers life will take it's toll on older parents who will be looking for peace and quiet at that point in their lives, hardly the sort of energy that can contain a teenager. Grandkids will also have a high likelihood of never knowing their grandparents, which is sad.
At some point, it's better to just project other peoples children as your own. The world needs A LOT more of that, plus when you disciple kids, you're immediately engaging their minds, you're not feeding them or taking care of them for all those years, which is just pure stress, until it finally pays off and their minds start forming.