Totally, utterly, and completely clueless.
I can't even pick up on my husband coming on to me until he says something obscene or grabs/exposes something personal. And my idea of flirting with him has become a joke: "Shall we celebrate being Protestant??" Monty Python fans will get the joke. "Would you like to engage in coitus??"
I don't pick up on sleazebags that want to see how seriously I take marriage; I have lost more than one would-be friendship over the fact that I "tolerated" (completely missed) subtle stuff and then told them never to darken my doorway again after they made a physical move.
I DREAD the thought of EVER having to date again. I WON'T, at least in part for that reason. If Hubby drops dead or ditches me, that's it. I might look for friends, but I'll be celibate at least until 2030. And then I'll be 52, which I sincerely hope will be too old to care.
"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"