Cafeaulait wrote:
FrankiDelano wrote:
^^Well it's a good thing most of my female friends HATE OPRAH!

Though nearly every female friend I have ever had has told me they do not believe in the concept of a "friendzone," or anything of the such. In fact one friend I have says she finds the idea of a "friendzone," to be a very insulting stereotype to apply to most women.
I also find it a very hard concept to grasp. I mean... appearantly when I like hanging out with a guy and find him nice but I am not romatically attracted to him I friendzoned him? It am just not attracted to every guy I find nice as a person. Why some call that 'friendzoning' I don't really understand either. Those internet tips on how to get out of the friendzone or how not get into the friendzone are even more stupid. There are no specific things a man does or does not do to get into the 'friendzone' with a girl. She either finds him attractive or she doesn't.
friendzone cause hes not in your romanticzone. its as simple as that. to the person doing the friendzone its nothing but to other its a horrible thing. I bet most bosses don't feel anything when they choose not to hire someone, but to the applicant it is rejection and feel bad. also what about all the people saying to be friends first and build to a relationship? o.O
think it tends to be more of a guy thing, cause lots of guys wouldn't be friends with a girl after a failed romance attempt. however girls for some reason want to keep guys around as friends after failed attempt. think its best to be like huh this person is romantically interested in me and I'm not into them, best we just part ways. pleanty of other people one can be friends with most who likely won't have feelings for you. If a girl had feelings for me and I didn't i would just call it quits, not fair to her just so I can have another friend when I could get another who has no feelings for me. most cases you won't find someone who is one of the few people who share a interest.