yellowtamarin wrote:
Maybe?? What the hell are people doing chatting to other people on dating sites if they don't even know if they want to meet up?

Yeah, I've gotten that a fair few times. From girls who complained about social anxiety to girls who complained "why do these guys join a dating site if they don't want to talk to me?" and then didn't want to meet up.
Even though in some ways this girl seems to be in to me (she made contact with me) she did seem to be a bit reluctant (she made some bizarre excuse about not being able to carry on a conversation without Google

I I guess she doesn't have a smartphone). She actually does like looking stuff up and talking about it. I could suggest that without internet access we could talk about us but actually that doesn't always go well for me (ends up feeling like a job interview) so maybe I should bring my netbook
That might sound unromantic but she may not be the romantic type. She said she's never had a serious relationship and she seems to be less the romantic type and more the geek girl type (not that there's anything wrong with geek girls). I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised since when I was writing a new profile and it asked what type of girl I was seeking I wrote "geek girls or girls who like geek guys". I'm not sure if her being reluctant to meet up away from internet access was her way of saying she may not be into me or if she's so geeky she actually meant it (not that there's anything wrong with geek girls).
Maybe she meant it literally but I can't help but think of how many girls, when asked out by a guy they're not into will make up some excuse rather than say they're not into the guy. Is this bad because it's dishonest or good because it least the guy gets let down gently? When most people set up a first date they often seem to use a lot of metaphor anyway. Often I'll try to say one thing and the girl will think I mean another thing.
Vomelche wrote:
I've had one person say maybe at first. A week later we went on a first date. Some people need time to sort things out before meeting someone new.
In her defense I think she has a valid reason for waiting a few weeks. I don't think she'll be able to date me until she gets back to dry land first. And if she doesn't want to decide until she gets back to shore I guess that's her prerogative.
The days are long, but the years are short