Metal_Man wrote:
As someone who used dating sites back in the very early days and just recently started again I can say that things have really changed and not for the better.
I completely agree, OKC is pretty empty these days. Maybe it also has to do with the fact that I'm in that age where most girls are going to be married with kids...the few decent sounding/looking girls that are still active on the site are like 22.
In the past year, I've gotten message replies from only five different of them was one that I know in person =| And one is from a girl from here on WP, she's the only one who still talks to me (currently).
Another problem is how much society has changed. Even if you do "hit it off" with someone, nobody uses instant messaging anymore. They give you their cell phone number, asking you to "text" them, and think you're some kind of freak from another planet when you tell them that you don't have a cellular telephone =)
I thought maybe making a regular old phone call would be a decent compromise, but it didn't work.
But I can't complain too much, I've finally gotten to the point where I'm okay with being by myself. I just really like looking at pictures and reading about them, sort of like old-fashioned people-watching, I suppose.
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...