hurtloam wrote:
Gauldoth wrote:
queensamaria wrote:
Thank you all. But I am really not ready to have a boyfriend. I need to work on my relationship with God and myself first.
Look, you want some real advice? If you really want to get a boyfriend, forget all that crap. You're a woman, you don't need to be dominant (which is what people actually mean when they tell others they need to be "confident"), or in touch with your true self, or whatever other nonsense dating advice writers tell ugly, low-status guys like me that we need to be because they don't have the gall to come out and tell us the reason we can't find anyone is because we're ugly and low-status.
You want to find a boyfriend? Act nice (yes, I just said that. Niceness is actually an attractive trait in women) and improve your appearance. That's it, that's all you need to do. If you want to tilt the odds in your favor even further, take an active approach and actually ask guys on the out. On the off-chance this doesn't work, or you find yourself having a lot of casual sex and ONSes with no follow-up, then that means you're shooting for guys who are way above your level (a very common mistake amongst women today) and need to lower standards. There, there's nothing more that needs to be said. You want a boyfriend? Do what I described here, if you don't, then don't.

What a horrible response

Load of rubbish
I actually agree with him; yes, you just need to be nice and look acceptable.
And the proactive approach works like magic for women, look for example at those WP girls who started "seeking a bf" threads got a bf in no time.
Also, go ask the women here, what's weird is that based on their posts I have noticed that a lot of them were the initiators; even a lot of guys who finally got gfs here was because their gfs initiated..
You in particular, is a typical passive girl in the traditional sense , you wait for the guy to initiate conversations, to do the courting , to do the asking out, - everything; and you project onto him your age standard (ie guy must be older; and that's probably a female instinct too).
And of course a guy will run out of topics if he has to start conversation everytime, if the converasation initation is two ways it woud lead to more topics/conversation in exponential rate.
He's so right in this post, try this.
Last edited by The_Face_of_Boo on 11 Jun 2015, 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.