I have always found that the following approach works quite well with women - AAA.
Attention. Listen when she is talking to you. Make a note of something she likes or desires as this may prove very useful for birthday's, valentines or xmas etc. Pay attention to her likes and dislikes, keep a note in a book if necessary, things that you can do without being asked can be very important. Communicate honestly with each other, switch off the TV, Computer, PS/XBox etc. sit and communicate attentively about your hopes, fears, dreams... whatever.
Affection. Try and show the level of affection you are capable of; I appreciate this isn't always easy for some, but try. Don't rush in at 100 miles an hour, but honesty is something we are pretty good at as a stereotype, so be honest with her. Tell her if you like her, tell her what you like about her, but don't smother her (both emotionally and actually - that is a no-no!) If she likes having her hand held, and you will know this through paying attention, then don't be self-conscious just do it. If that is impossible for you, tell her, she will hopefully understand and appreciate the honesty; then try and work out a way of showing affection that you both are comfortable with.
Appreciation. Appreciate her for who she is, what she does and for how she makes you feel. If she makes you feel bad, then leave. Better to be alone than made to feel like crap for being yourself. If you make her feel bad through lack of appreciation then I would support her leaving you! Appreciate the hard work she does, appreciate the little things she does; you may not think they are important but they can be, they can be very important. Appreciate her right to be treated with respect for who she is, just as you would like to be yourself.
I appreciate this sounds like a lot of work, and in some respects I guess it is, but when you find the right person, it really isn't and you can negotiate a mutually satisfying and positive relationship.
It is something of an 'old chestnut' isn't it, "What do women want?" I hope the above is a useful small contribution to the debate.
Strange thing though, I have often thought that many men would like that from a woman too (or indeed any variation of gender couplings)! I'd certainly think many people on the spectrum would like a partner who treated them like that. Maybe I'm on to something here.......