Ban-Dodger wrote:
I think this one particular girl I associate with may actually be bi but I'm near-certain she's more NT although she's been willing to learn things of my AS-oriented interests and has found it quite interesting (her mind was blown of course since much of what I need her to learn is factually stuff you can never learn and will never learn from any of the main-stream nor conventional-sources [due to much of it being controversial-content I suppose {i.e.: out-side-the-box ideas...}]).
You posed two questions in this thread though :
« Is There Anyone Like Me? »
We're really not going to know unless you describe more about what you're like, for all we know, you might be asking if anybody has a similar look/appearance to you, and that can be done through cos-play, wigs, facial-masks that disguise your appearance as can be seen in certain movies that involve spies & double-agents, etc.
« has anyone got any thoughts about what i could do? »
This question seems to be related as to how you can get a lesbian girl-friend. One that you would prefer to be on some kind of spectrum. Well, you can do plenty of things, one of which comes to mind being something like... could also just « meditate » a lot every day & eventually just let the answer(s) come to you.
Is anyone like me, is more a kind of title i thought people might click on that vaguely relates to what i mean.
I was asking if anyone relates to my situation, of being bi or gay and on the spectrum, not to keen on dating sites, and also has difficulties with general social interaction, especially joining groups. The question i suppose was does anyone want to chat to see if we have any feelings for one another beyond only friendship, or does anyone have similar issues where by finding a same sex person to connect with not just in friendship ways is hard for them because of their aspergers and social situation.
I hope this makes my post a bit clearer.
Nothing lasts but nothing is lost