rdos wrote:
I beg to differ. I've obsessed with 4-5 different girls, I married one of them, and I'd be happy to be married to any of the other ones as well. This says more about how you selected girls to obsess with than if it is a good tactic or not.
And you know that for sure? Before I met my Fiancee, I was
convinced I found the one. She seemed unlike any girl I ever knew even if she was a bit standoffish. We were the same age, had almost identical backgrounds and identical life goals or so I thought. I was crushed when she broke up with and could barely get out of bed: she was nearly a perfect fit or so I believed at the time.
Fast forward a couple years later and she not only has never been in a relationship since or even a date to my knowledge but bought a house with her best friend. She seemed perfect for about a year after she broke it off and I blamed myself for screwing it up but I realize I would have been absolutely miserable with her. Thank goodness she dumped me because I hit the jackpot with my soon to be Wife. What's best is she would say the same about me.
Given how I was blitzed by a Borderline Personality Disordered girl a few year back I certainly see where you are coming from but my point still stands. None of my 'obsessions' is married to this day except one to a complete loser.
AR15000 wrote:
Even if there is mutual interest in the beginning, coming on too strong makes one look desperate. And desperation is repulsive; particularly to women. This obsession is called infatuation and it really is unhealthy as yellowtamarin astutely pointed out.
I think the term "desperate" should be banned: what does it even mean??. I tend to be very direct and forthcoming and don't play games but that is NOTHING like "desperation". I grew up in an area of Canada where it is common to invite complete strangers to supper for example and that's not 'desperation' just being friendly. I am so glad I am done with dating!