Outrider wrote:
Sly: 'Neckbeard' is a slang word for overweight/obese, ugly males who don't take care of their appearance (don't shave or trim beard, don't brush teeth or take care of acne, don't care about weight, don't care about body odor), and are usually lazy males who don't have a job or only do something 'basic' like mcdonalds, spend all their free time on the internet switching between misogynistic virgins who hate women and white knights who claim to be a 'nice guy' on messageboards such as 4chan and reddit, dressing up in badly designed cosplay (costume play for video game/tv/movie/sci-fi/fantasy), and acting like superiror, elitist a55h•les to most people. Typically like to wear fedora hats, thinking it makes them look 'cool'. Tend to be atheist.
They make regular nerds look like hot, popular guys.
Anyway, OP:
That's probably true for me. But I find autistic traits to exist in both 'nerdy' and 'artistic' gals. My taste, as an artistic guy, is more towards nerdy girls, and after some thinking, the traits I desire are definitely aspie-like traits over N.T. ones.
That doesn't mean I've been successful with aspie females, though.
I've only ever met ONE, and the furthest i got with her was three dates before being rejected, and long story short there was a lot of unfortunate events surrounding me and her that in the end, even we decided to be 'just friends', my mental state had deteriorated solely due to the fact she hurt me extremely badly by running-off and getting engaged to a male friend. Don't judge me, you don't know the full details.
Wish they were just more common, though. Or at least more obvious, if more do exist.
There's not even many aspie men OR women here on WP that are Australian. The only one's I've seen that have mentioned it are TheGrandInquisitr AuroraBorealisGazer, RetroGamer and, of course, myself.
So lower class guys who work min wage?
That guys picture looks like how most guys beard grows. I don't think a lot of guys have bear lines that go all way up to their eyes.