Kitty4670 wrote:
I met a man this morning, he message me, I been talking to him all day, he told me he works for the USA Army, he has deployment to Western Africa in Nigeria.
I been on alot of dating sites in the past, they had warnings on scams, I copy & paste it, so I would remember it.
Do all people in USA Army that works in Nigeria, are they bad people? Please tell me he is not bad?
Anytime I hear Nigeria, Senegal, or the likes over the internet I get suspicious FAST.
especially when their English sounds like "Dear sir or madam, I don't wish to bother you but..." just sounds off.
I have nothing against people from those countries, in fact I know a few but I would interact with them in person and not based on some online stuff.
Furthermore I do not know of any US military involvement in Nigeria so that's another alarm bell. Iraq or Afghanistan would be more believable but even then I'd have a personal conversation with the person via skype to make sure.