Seriously though, you guys do realize that social norms are very much defined within a specific cultural setting, right?
Consider these: In France, kissing and arguing with your lover in public are considered *totally* normal, yet asking someone's name upon first encounter is considered uncommon, even mildly rude. In Japan, public drunkness and conspicous consumption of pornography by men are considered social norms. Conversely, we Anglo Saxons have many traits that are particular to the rest of the world. We of course don't consider these traits odd.
I love it that NTs accuse aspies for being socially inept, whereas if you see NTs in foreign countries, they themselves are often acting like social morons.
Worse yet, since NTs aren't conditioned to think of themselves as socially challenged, they tend to offend people more when traveling in a foreign country. Here's an advantage to being an Aspie! People with AS are more circumspect in an unfamiliar situation.
So I am suggesting whatever your opionion is in regards to public affection is probably a result of your cultural, instead of your neurological, background. Am I right? Let me hear from our French Aspie members!
Last edited by eDad on 01 May 2007, 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.