Alliekit wrote:
And when I say personalise I mean like.
Hi I saw you liked video games have you played mass effect?
I appreciated the that someone took five minutes to read my profile instead of just glancing at my pictures.
Surely everyone wants to feel special to the one they love
A very short personalized message is okay. I'm talking about writing more than one sentence. That isn't worth it. I wouldn't message someone without looking at their profile.
The problem is as a guy you can look for the one "special person" with a 95% match, while it seems like everyone else near you is 60% or less. When you only message your "special person" you find once every few months and each time don't get a response it gets frustrating. It seems whether someone responds or not is often based mainly on looks, unfortunately. You can pretend it's all about personality, but on a dating site people will easily rule you out based on how you look alone. It might not even be how you look in reality if you just aren't very photogenic and have trouble coming up with a good picture. It is just a shallow world. I don't think looks are quite so important in real life. Dating sites really inflate the importance of the picture, unfortunately.
The only way to avoid extreme frustration and disappointment is to be less picky and message people who aren't perfect matches, even people who's profile scares you off a bit for some reason. Otherwise you just won't get many responses. It's especially hard if there just aren't a lot of high-matching people in your area. I think this is a common problem for aspies. Many of us just don't have a high match percentage with the "norm" of the population. There are very few people with very high match percentages.