DevilKisses wrote:
I'm vaguely introverted. For me it means that I'm way happier when I'm socializing with extroverted people, but due to chronic illnesses I normally act more like a socially awkward introvert. Since I'm not a stereotypical party girl, I attract a bunch of extreme introverts. They seem to think we have so much in common when we don't. Anyone else have this problem?
I seem to become much more extraverted beyond my comfortzone when I'm around very introverted people, trying to breath life into things. This can be a problem to my energy level. Not getting enough stimulation and having to burn more energy. It's best to have a good mix of people as long as there's glue that brings you together like a similar interest or desire to have a good time in a simple way.
Maybe there are practical ways to act around your chronic ilness. If you stay at home, try to find something interesting to do together (whatever you're into, book club, whatever) at home that other people, extraverted ones too, could be interested in to attend. Something regular that you could organize perhaps. There are also platforms for it like meetup but you'd have to step outside comfort zone allowing strangers in your safe little home...stick to traditional means to meet folks however and your world might remain a lot smaller. Either way I'm not saying it's easy to meet cool people you really like.