My mum and I have always argued about physically attractive I am - I don't believe I am at all but she thinks I am very (don't all mothers!). So to attempt to resolve the conflict and reach an answer based on public opinion I uploaded my photo to Hot or Not. I was flabbergasted when the total score turned out to be 7, I mean that's quite high. No way am I that good-looking, no one's ever complimented me for my looks and girls show no mindless interest in me in the way they do with good-looking people; so I conclude that people overrate on that site. It's not a reliable measure of one's beauty/handsomeness. To be honest that girl is nowhere near a 9 although she isn't ugly either, but for a girl to be a 9 she'd have to have an hourglass figure or long, flowing, smooth hair or something very accentuated about her.