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15 May 2007, 12:54 am

calandale wrote:
shadexiii wrote:
nothing at all is better than getting used.

Masochist. :P

...forcing me to rephrase.

I'd prefer having nothing at all over getting used.


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15 May 2007, 12:55 am

aspie girls can get boyfriends but only sh*t ones
we are easy prey for users
even aspie boys seem to have the usual male traits of only wanting something young that looks good regardless of the personality/intelligence.
I even tried aspie affections with male:female ratio of 2:1 but no one was interested

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15 May 2007, 12:57 am

alexbeetle wrote:
even aspie boys seem to have the usual male traits of only wanting something young that looks good regardless of the personality/intelligence.

A bit of a generalization. About as unfair as saying no women with AS could possibly have a bitchy personality. (Or that all have X bad attribute, whatever) Guys can be used too, believe it or not. Sure, not all will view it as being used, and therefore not all will see it as an issue. It can still occur. There are also people both on and off the spectrum that don't have quite that shallow of a view of what is and is not important.


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15 May 2007, 1:33 am

Danielismyname wrote:
What about Auties who don’t talk, and only show their overt emotion like an "animal"? :?

You mean me completely forgetting how to talk and whining like a dog to try and communicate isn't just me? Sorry.

I got the most awesome man alive as my boyfriend. *sighs*. Not all of them are prats. Although sometimes I wonder if they are all there..... :P

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15 May 2007, 2:16 am

I'll never have a boyfriend... because the majority of NT boys are total prats, you know the type that think they're God's gift to "hot" women, and mighty avengers sent from God to slay "LeWzEr" women, like yours truely,
And I can't have an aspie boyfriend as they're either extremely high-functioning and find my "immature thinking" a major turnoff, or they're lower-funtioning and don't really understand love. Or even worse, I once had an aspie guy offer to cheat on his gf to go out with me... I could never do such a thing to another girl, even if they ARE evil backstabbers :cry:

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15 May 2007, 5:19 am

shadexiii wrote:
alexbeetle wrote:
even aspie boys seem to have the usual male traits of only wanting something young that looks good regardless of the personality/intelligence.

A bit of a generalization. About as unfair as saying no women with AS could possibly have a bitchy personality. (Or that all have X bad attribute, whatever) Guys can be used too, believe it or not. Sure, not all will view it as being used, and therefore not all will see it as an issue. It can still occur. There are also people both on and off the spectrum that don't have quite that shallow of a view of what is and is not important.

my apologies - yes I was being bitchy :lol:
I know there are some good guys out there too but they are mostly taken by some equally great female or male :(

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15 May 2007, 9:04 am

Getting was never a problem...finding out their hidden agendas before they put them into play was the problem. :roll:

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15 May 2007, 9:13 am

alexbeetle wrote:
my apologies - yes I was being bitchy :lol:

Sorry, didn't mean to imply that if that's how you took it, had a feeling that might happen but no amount of rewriting seemed to fix it when I read it so I just left it.


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15 May 2007, 9:31 am

hale_bopp wrote:
I can't even get an internet one.

The only person on the net that i'm interested in doesn't give a sh*t.

Maybe you need to broaden your scope?

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15 May 2007, 10:35 am

most women can get boyfriends, if they would stop being so damn picky.
with men they have to (for the most part) impress the girl, where from my end of
things it seems alls the girl has to do is pick and choose, sure there are men that
can pick and choose as much as they want as well, but those are mostly the ones
ALL the girls are wanting like the extremely handsome or well to do ones,
Brad Pitt like types,
where as even many of the ugly duckling girls still get to be picky and choosy
and find a guy to some large degree where as if a not so handsome
male done that he would find him self alone for the rest of his life most likely.

its like the peacocks. the girls get to be picky and choosy,
where the men have to flash all their feathers to hope to
catch an eye of a female and the females just sit back and
get to pick and choose who is cute enough for them.

Last edited by aspergian_mutant on 15 May 2007, 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.


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15 May 2007, 10:37 am

Guys have to initiate contact and see how the girl responds.

Girls have to wait for a guy to initiate contact. This may never happen. If it doesn't, then the girl has to initiate contact, putting her in the same position as guys, where it is up to the guy to respond positively or negatively.


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15 May 2007, 10:52 am

I'm a gonna have to respond to the above postee who said something about all males being evil or something to that extenture.

Sure, that's the 90% of the male earth population, but its the 10% of us good guys out there that get the blame, sure, it is. But that's why we 10% try and make up for the 90% lack of smarts, niceness and generality in caring and all that jazz.

Sure, I'm a guy and sometimes I ave a bad rap as a guy who just wants to lay whatever female he can get his hands on(okay, so that was highschool, and many still haven't let that go) But I'm a good guy through and through, who has no problem kicking other guys butts for their stupidty and jerkosity towards women and other people in general.

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15 May 2007, 11:02 am

shadexiii wrote:
Guys have to initiate contact and see how the girl responds.

Girls have to wait for a guy to initiate contact. This may never happen. If it doesn't, then the girl has to initiate contact, putting her in the same position as guys, where it is up to the guy to respond positively or negatively.

I have to agee with this, my last post was kind of negative trying to
impress what this poster was trying to say.

one of the reasons many men become jerks to the lady's is because
unless he is well endowed with attractiveness he gets shot down
hundreds of times with his efforts which can be VARY disheartening and
even to many men a bitter experience and the lady's just sit back
saying its not their fault when the man is just lonely.

welcome to the mans world, instead of picking and choosing try going out
and initiating the contact and catching the males interest, if it does not work
keep trying even if you have to go through hundreds of males,
perhaps you will learn what it feels like from a males point of view and
learn not to be so picky.


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15 May 2007, 1:51 pm

Beenthere wrote:
Getting was never a problem...finding out their hidden agendas before they put them into play was the problem. :roll:

yeah... i have a bout a 3yr learning curve.........

haven't been dating for about a yr now... though ppl have tried... but can't seem to get the one i want.... so O.o?

i have too much work anyway

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15 May 2007, 1:54 pm

Gamester wrote:
I'm a gonna have to respond to the above postee who said something about all males being evil or something to that extenture.

Sure, that's the 90% of the male earth population, but its the 10% of us good guys out there that get the blame, sure, it is. But that's why we 10% try and make up for the 90% lack of smarts, niceness and generality in caring and all that jazz.

Sure, I'm a guy and sometimes I ave a bad rap as a guy who just wants to lay whatever female he can get his hands on(okay, so that was highschool, and many still haven't let that go) But I'm a good guy through and through, who has no problem kicking other guys butts for their stupidty and jerkosity towards women and other people in general.

Replace male with human. Maybe up the percentage too - perhaps all the
way to 100; I'm not absolutely convinced yet - but pretty close.

Here we are again with your definition of GOOD which includes
being violent - apparently in response to mere verbalisms. I'm
confused enough about ultimate good and evil to perhaps accept
that violence is good on any grounds - but dear sir, this is not the
morality that our society accepts.


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15 May 2007, 2:25 pm

Male aspies aren't attracted to more girls, some just think they are because they're inexperienced. Once they gain that little bit of experience they realise that any girl won't do.

Halle bop, you sound like my aunt. She has trouble getting a guy in the first place, but then she can't get rid of them afterwards. It's probably because you're such a hard person to get to know. If you want to know why you don't have a boyfriend it's probably as simple as that.