shadexiii wrote:
Guys have to initiate contact and see how the girl responds.
Girls have to wait for a guy to initiate contact. This may never happen. If it doesn't, then the girl has to initiate contact, putting her in the same position as guys, where it is up to the guy to respond positively or negatively.
I have to agee with this, my last post was kind of negative trying to
impress what this poster was trying to say.
one of the reasons many men become jerks to the lady's is because
unless he is well endowed with attractiveness he gets shot down
hundreds of times with his efforts which can be VARY disheartening and
even to many men a bitter experience and the lady's just sit back
saying its not their fault when the man is just lonely.
welcome to the mans world, instead of picking and choosing try going out
and initiating the contact and catching the males interest, if it does not work
keep trying even if you have to go through hundreds of males,
perhaps you will learn what it feels like from a males point of view and
learn not to be so picky.