Physical Traits
I should first point out that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. No list of specific traits could ever be developed such that I would think every girl who met the profile was gorgeous, and there will always be women who don't meet any sort of "what I'm looking for" criteria who are beautiful as well. But in the most general sense, I'd say my ideal significant other would be:
-Age 18-25 (within 3-4 years of me)
-110-180 lbs--weight isn't the biggest issue for me, the big factor here would be just that the girl is healthy. There are some thin girls who just look disgusting because one can tell they're starving themselves, and yet there are some girls with a bit of meat on them who are absolutely gorgeous.
-Not too short at least down to the ears...women with crew cuts just turn me off. Any color is fine with me as long as it's natural. Redhead, brunette, blonde, cool...just no hot pink or blue.
-Not too worried about height.
Personality Traits
I know there's a big debate stirring out there about "Would you date an AS?" or "Would you date an NT," as someone who checked off the "Not Sure If I Have It" box when registering, I guess I could go either way. I am a very nerdy and quirky person, and I know there are traits that AS people often have that would make an AS girl very compatible with me. But at the same time, I think that an NT would be really good for me because she would likely have a greater ability to see the social situations I can't, and ideally, offer some constructive guidance/feedback to what I don't get. So I don't really have a 100% firm decision either way, though I'm leaning towards NT.
Other than that, some things I'd want are:
-Agressive, but not manipulative--someone who would be willing to make a first move, and not expect me to have to reach in for the first kiss, etc., at every stage of the relationship...ESPECIALLY important early on, as my lack of experience in relationships renders me clueless as to when the right time would be for this or that...I could prolly figure it out soon enough, but I'd likely need a significant other who can set the wheels in motion.
-Positive/Constructive--I actually kinda realized this when I noticed it in my best friend. While my best friend is female, we're just friends and are happy at that. But I noticed it, and realized that it would be a trait I'd want in a significant other. Basically, what I've noticed is if I do something socially awkward while we're hanging out, she'll point it out to me, but in a positive, almost joking way--not angry humor, she's laughing with, not at me.
-Not afraid to be touchy-feely, but not all over me from minute one. I guess it kinda goes with the agressive part above. Someone who isn't afraid to hug, kiss, cuddle, etc. I don't mean someone who wants to go all the way right away, but I'd want smeone who is not a block of ice.
-Brutal Honesty. I think everyone on this forum, AS or not, holds a disdain for the stereotypical scene of male walking into room, female sobbing, male asking what's wrong, female saying "nothing," when obviously something IS wrong. Brutal honesty is a million times better than games like that, as long as it doesn't get to the point of one screaming embarrassing stuff out in public for all to overhear.
-No Games--I said it under "Brutal Honesty" but this is so important it warrants its own bullet point. If she feels some way about something, don't be afraid to say it! Dodging the answer, withholding information, that kind of stuff is disgusting, even when done to make oneself feel better...ESPECIALLY when done to make oneself feel better.
"So when they rolled their eyes at me and told me 'I ain't normal,' I always took it as a compliment"--Katrina Elam