Marknis wrote:
I would if there were any. I don't know if I've made it clear that I am from the Bible Belt or not but if I haven't, those kinds of girls aren't in my class. The demographics in this place lean towards zombie looking redneck women or fat ghetto hoochie mamas. There are exceptions but they are few and even they will give me the "too busy" or "I have a boyfriend" explanations.
I'm from a small town in the Bible Belt myself, so I know what you're talking about. Getting out was the best thing I ever did. I don't know what kind of town you're in, but even a big southern city like Houston or Atlanta would be better than some hick town--more different kinds of people and more tolerance for people who are different. In any case, laying plans for getting out to a more accepting place might help you endure the time till you can actually do it. I will say one thing--smart, somewhat nerdy guys often seem to do very well in East Asia and Scandinavia--professionally, socially and romantically.
"Donkeys live a long time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey."