slw, something important you should understand is THIS: viewtopic.php?t=342818
So as you can see, dating apps are dominated by men by like 9 to 1, this is undeniable now (even sweetleaf could no longer deny it with the evidences I provided despite it's her hobby to deny lol).
What that means? That means that guys on dating apps, unlike you women, get a date once in a moon blue - so a First date for most guys there is a "big event" and a "big hope" - hence why they may act on it like that, like bringing flowers or gifts or paying for the dinner...etc
While you on the other side, can get another 12 dates easily in a week, hell you can get a two dates per day. So for you (and any other female on a dating app, it's not just you), the value of a single first date out of dating apps is way lower than how guys value it. Many guys can't have 12 dates in a whole lifetime out of these apps no matter how hard they try.
For him before meeting you he was in mode "OMG I got a first date! I must impress her! I must succeed!" - while you "Ok, It's #12 date". There's always this huge gap of expectation between men and women meeting through dating apps.
I agree with boofle there, when he saw you so obvious not appreciating his bouquet of flows, throwing it in the car as if you are ashamed of it or ashamed to be seen in a such setting by people who may recognize you, it did shatter his "OMG I got a first date" mood and realized that this enthusiasm isn't mutual at all.
You must forget that there's anything in common between men and women on dating apps - in this virtual world, they are like two entirely different species, fish and birds, with totally different views and experiences.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is being delusional.