The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
So do you masterbate while listening to some professor's podcast session?
No, I don't "masterbate" ( it's masturbate, sorry) to podcasts of any sort. I meant that if I am in a conversation with someone who is highly intelligent and of my preferred gender (men) and some other factors thrown in there for flavour, like a cute smile etc, I find myself becoming extremely turned on and have an insatiable urge to want to rip their clothes off in a intense and passionate way and proceed to have intense passionate sex.
This has only happened to me once where I acted upon those urges and ended up dating the man for a year and being friends thereafter for another year and a bit. Most intense roller-coaster of the highest highs and the lowest lows I think we both have ever felt. But that sex though
That sounds rapey.