Kilroy wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
calandale wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
Praetor2379 wrote:
Umm your marrying someone you've only been dating for 2 months. WTF? are you out of your mind?
Well, I personally know of people who got engaged in two weeks or less after meeting, and have had 50+ years of marriage. Conversely, some couples can date someone for two years, marry, and find they ended up with the wrong person. You just never really know in this life -- you have to take risks sometimes.
I agree. If it feels right, go with it.
From what I remember, your faith
means that you won't have sex
outside of marriage? And there's
no way of really knowing someone
without living with them.
Ya, no sex -- and it's been difficult for us both to hold to that -- but we can tell there's DEFINITELY sensual chemistry there, so I'm not worried about sexual compatibility.
donno why you listen to a building-I fallow God but not from a church-I go my own way
you don't have to be religious to beleive in God
and you can have sex
my random thought
congrats man-and a happy life for you
No, man, I don't care what church says -- I didn't even attend church for several years -- I just go by the Book. And about going your own way, "We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all." ("Him" being Christ.) Isaiah 53:6.
It doesn't matter what I say; what does
God say? That's my daily thought process. Kilroy, you believe in God, but not in obeying Him. On that point, Jesus asked His disciples in Luke 6:46, "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord', but don't do the things that I say?" Which god do you believe in?