Men Without Bachelor's Degree Not Marriage Material
It's funny isn't it these days, that if you haven't got a "xxxxxxxxx Degree" at a University with a golden postcode such as Oxford or Cambridge then your not 'educated'. It's like used as a marker of your intelligence.
Basically people think that a college education means you can't read and write. People actually think that. The world is f****d up. The most clever guy I knew was working full time at age 16 and didn't even go to college. He did an apprenticeship at 14... not long after WW2.
As the supply of "perfect men" (read tall, handsome, muscular, fit, uni-educated and rich... who were never in large supply anyway... it was just a figment of Dorian Gray romance novels) continues its trend of decline, a lot of these leftover women are going to either need to start investing in relationships and giving the men in their lives a hand up, or they can choose to be single with 8 cats.
Naturally, the calls to remedy the situation are attempts to shame men into compliance. Shame works if you seek the person's/people's approval. I don't care what journalists think of me for not attending university; being the short ugly, skinny, babyfaced underdog in my teens and early 20's cured me of seeking my peers' approval.
Also, men are still under pressure to make sure that they come out of college being economically viable enough to support themselves and a family. That means less and less of them have the privilege of taking out loans or letting their parents pay for their cushy useless degree, with the expectation that they'll pay it back while living off someone else's rent money until their 40's.
Know any Uni graduates that have money? that can support themselves weeks and months after graduating? I don't. They go back living with mum and dad or renting a house with friends whilst working in a supermarket.
All I can say is let women put themselves out of the market by being too snobby to date that plumber, that farm hand, that dude that learnt a trade to lay tarmac on your drive or fit your double glazing. Women are now postponing bearing their first child until well into their 30's, and their only trump card from an evolutionary perspective is their youth and their looks, which started to turn yellow like an ageing iceberg lettuce when you hit your mid-late twenties.
We have a much larger problem here, in that Western culture has marginalized a significant percentage of its young men, and at a time when there are serious threats to the continuity of our civilizational hegemony.
Life had kept him waiting, regretting his pain inside. Had to feel underrated, and hated, besides.
Last edited by Sometime World on 26 Sep 2017, 7:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
Level of education has never been a priority to me. I've never thought, he must have a degree or I won't even notice him.
Wealthiest guy I know out of my friends husbands used his natural intelligence and built up his own company. No qualifications.
Conversely I know a guy with a degree who is doing work you don't need a degree for.
I have family with no qualifications who earn more than me.
"I know loads of married blokes who don't have any sort of college or university education.
Level of education has never been a priority to me. I've never thought, he must have a degree or I won't even notice him."
I understand what you are saying, but the article is saying the opposite and backs it up with numbers.
One thing I want to say, I think women say one thing but do another. This article is proof of that. Women want to come across like they would accept a guy who was beneath them, but would the relationship truly be happy and end up in marriage?
I believe that a lot of couples end up getting pregnant (like the article states) then make the decision to get married because it is the "right" thing to do. Actually, my parents had to do that. The only difference these days is that women can be more independent and support having a baby on their own leading to more children being raised in one parent households - like the article points out.
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
Level of education has never been a priority to me. I've never thought, he must have a degree or I won't even notice him.
Wealthiest guy I know out of my friends husbands used his natural intelligence and built up his own company. No qualifications.
Conversely I know a guy with a degree who is doing work you don't need a degree for.
I have family with no qualifications who earn more than me.
"I know loads of married blokes who don't have any sort of college or university education.
Level of education has never been a priority to me. I've never thought, he must have a degree or I won't even notice him."
I understand what you are saying, but your saying the opposite and backs it up.
One thing I want to say, I think women say one thing but do another. Women want to come across like they would accept a guy who was beneath them in education, but would the relationship truly be happy and end up in marriage? Is she only saying it to appear as a nicer person?
I believe that a lot of couples end up getting pregnant then make the decision to get married because it is the "right" thing to do. Actually, my parents had to do that. The only difference these days is that women can be more independent and support having a baby on their own leading to more children being raised in one parent households.
There are game theory descriptions of the options women have, but for some reason they aren't taught broadly.
There is the "optimal stopping" theorem, variations on the "secretary problem," among others.
We know a woman's smv (Sexual Market Value) shoots up from about age 14 until 24 and then fades quickly. She has the most selection power/options between about 16-26, and then her selection power fades until about 35-36, when it drops off at the wall. The exceptions are actress/model category 99th pc, but they are outliers.
Optimal women's strategy is for an 18-25yo woman to lock down a 30-something guy entering his peak earning years. The longer she waits, the richer/older the guy has to be for her to be attracted.
The more education/status she gets, the smaller the pool of men she will want to choose from, but without any increased attractiveness for her based on that education and status. Smart women go to university to get access to high status men, not to become high-status women who self-disqualify 90% of the available male gene pool with an artificial social credential barrier.
The only way for educated women to get access to a broader selection of men is online, but these are not preselected or sorted the way they are in an undergrad university environments, so she might as well not have gone to Uni at all.
From an optimal stopping perspective (e.g. take the best of a sample after ~1/e of the total available candidates as some fraction of her tribal Dunbar number), before the internet the selection of men in an undergrad environment would top out in the mid tens (median of 50 guys who were serious contenders to have kids with, pick the best after testing ~18).
There were only so many a girl could meet, confirm preselection, and take for a monogamous test ride. When you add the internet, the total potential candidate number explodes into the hundreds, if not thousands. For her to optimally stop around ~1/e, she literally needs to suck hundreds of cocks "kiss hundreds of frogs" (most obvious euphemism ever) to know "for sure" that she's making the best decision.
If women have an instinctual understanding of optimal stopping, something hard wired that looks like how we discover it elsewhere in nature, the internet basically f***s them up completely by creating a contender pool so large that on an evolutionary-psychological level they cannot settle because they have no way she can make a sampling dent in all that conceivably available dick. They will always be haunted by an evolutionary urge to get back out there and exhaust their sample set and find the optimal stopping point (guy to breed with), but because of the perceived unlimited candidate availability the internet creates, that is not possible.
From a purely seratonin/dopamine supply perspective, online dating for women does what crack cocaine did for black people in poverty. Imagine salmon swimming up a stream, but then suddenly someone builds a dam on it. The salmon keep running and trying to get up the thing because that's what they do, they don't know it's impossible because what do they know of engineering. They just keep trying until they die of exhaustion. Same with rats in cages where a button randomly dispenses food or drugs. With random rewards and no visible way of telling how much they are taking, they just keep hitting the thing until they die.
All you need to do as a guy is be 90th percentile on that stream of randoms, keep your needy sperg mouth shut, and your biggest problem will be how to manage an unlimited supply of dopamine zombie cum sluts. Even then, your might not be tall enough, good looking enough, etc, so it isn't a guarantee.
The fertility industry is here, ready to freeze picky women's eggs and choose the sperm from the top 000.1% of men, happy to take their money and yours, but it's a decision a woman makes based on stupid beliefs and to feed her fragile ego, and nobody should be surprised when they are not satisfied with the results.
Life had kept him waiting, regretting his pain inside. Had to feel underrated, and hated, besides.
I'm going to use myself as an example here.
As you may know, I'm back in school. My "plan" is to eventually be an NP which needs higher education. The article points out that "men" (I say men because the article refers to men) who lack higher education tend to be in jobs that don't pay as much and they also tend to abuse more alcohol and drugs. Now back to me - up until now, I have always thought of nursing as a "blue collar" job, that is the job was just for paying the bills and the rest of the time was free time to have "fun". As I have continued my "higher education", I have found that I have had to live differently and this included no alcohol like I used to drink. As I get into higher education, I am having to live and think a different way than when I was " a blue collar worker" with an Associates degree. I think of my life differently, and expect more out of myself and anyone who I would want to share my life with. With this higher education, I will also be getting paid more. With this higher education, I will have to plan my life differently and a different outcome will result.
Higher education = more money and a healthier life secondary to not drinking alcohol and partying like I used to - which the article brings out. What I'm trying to say is it is not just the making of the money. I will be thinking more professionally because of the job and the education. Most people want an equal so I'm not going to really match with a person who has a "blue collar job" anymore who comes home and pops open a beer or two or three every night to unwind and get ready for the next work day. I would match more with a person who has a degree and a challenging job OR a person who is educated (not university) and has a challenging job with a good income (entrepreneur).
Does this make sense or am I just rambling?
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
Here is another example (keep reading - it's not about politics).
Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. Both had no college, BUT educated themselves on their own to where they are now entrepreneurs making great money. Glenn Beck came from a family where most of them committed suicide and he was a raging alcoholic living on the streets. However, he pulled himself together, quit drinking and educated himself leading to his job on Fox and now his own TV channel. He had been married before and because of the drinking it ended in divorce. He got remarried and now has a family.
He got his life in order, quit drinking entirely, educated himself, planned how he wanted his life to go, got the job, got the higher income and the marriage followed and now he is happily married to this day. It all fell into place.
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
Last edited by nurseangela on 26 Sep 2017, 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
As you may know, I'm back in school. My "plan" is to eventually be an NP which needs higher education. The article points out that "men" (I say men because the article refers to men) who lack higher education tend to be in jobs that don't pay as much and they also tend to abuse more alcohol and drugs. Now back to me - up until now, I have always thought of nursing as a "blue collar" job, that is the job was just for paying the bills and the rest of the time was free time to have "fun". As I have continued my "higher education", I have found that I have had to live differently and this included no alcohol like I used to drink. As I get into higher education, I am having to live and think a different way than when I was " a blue collar worker" with an Associates degree. I think of my life differently, and expect more out of myself and anyone who I would want to share my life with. With this higher education, I will also be getting paid more. With this higher education, I will have to plan my life differently and a different outcome will result.
Higher education = more money and a healthier life secondary to not drinking alcohol and partying like I used to - which the article brings out. What I'm trying to say is it is not just the making of the money. I will be thinking more professionally because of the job and the education. Most people want an equal so I'm not going to really match with a person who has a "blue collar job" anymore who comes home and pops open a beer or two or three every night to unwind and get ready for the next work day. I would match more with a person who has a degree and a challenging job OR a person who is educated (not university) and has a challenging job with a good income (entrepreneur).
Does this make sense or am I just rambling?
No, I can understand your point of view from my own perspective on it. It is pretty much the same. As one starts to plan ahead in life, one must watch out for the pitfalls that can occur. With further education under one's belt, one is more likely to see the pitfalls before they happen and tend to avoid them.
As you may know, I'm back in school. My "plan" is to eventually be an NP which needs higher education. The article points out that "men" (I say men because the article refers to men) who lack higher education tend to be in jobs that don't pay as much and they also tend to abuse more alcohol and drugs. Now back to me - up until now, I have always thought of nursing as a "blue collar" job, that is the job was just for paying the bills and the rest of the time was free time to have "fun". As I have continued my "higher education", I have found that I have had to live differently and this included no alcohol like I used to drink. As I get into higher education, I am having to live and think a different way than when I was " a blue collar worker" with an Associates degree. I think of my life differently, and expect more out of myself and anyone who I would want to share my life with. With this higher education, I will also be getting paid more. With this higher education, I will have to plan my life differently and a different outcome will result.
Higher education = more money and a healthier life secondary to not drinking alcohol and partying like I used to - which the article brings out. What I'm trying to say is it is not just the making of the money. I will be thinking more professionally because of the job and the education. Most people want an equal so I'm not going to really match with a person who has a "blue collar job" anymore who comes home and pops open a beer or two or three every night to unwind and get ready for the next work day. I would match more with a person who has a degree and a challenging job OR a person who is educated (not university) and has a challenging job with a good income (entrepreneur).
Does this make sense or am I just rambling?
A woman's worst enemy is her ageing looks and her inability to understand equality between the sexes. I can't find the youtube video, but Jordan Peterson tells a group of Ph.D female students, that they're essentially f****d, because they have a super small selection group of men. It's female nature to ONLY date up... which is the opposite of equality. Which is why feminism was never about equality. Men have been marrying "down" for millennia, but when contemporary feminists finally achieved career and educational equality they turned around and demanded superior men.
Good job, feminism! you ruined Kim's and Katie's lives with your mantra of "you go girl... you only deserve the best best men". Little Jessica is an evolutionary dead end now thanks to feminism. I'd be sad if my life hasn't been f****d over by the same s**t. Hey, they have to live with the consequences of their actions/choices just like we do, it hits women harder in their 3rd and 4th decades though.
This is the beginning of this issue, remember. Men are going to continue to make up a smaller % of University graduates in the west for the next couple of decades at least (I think they already do here in the UK). The education system is stacked against men from a very young age and represents one of the purest forms of overreach attributable to feminism.
Life had kept him waiting, regretting his pain inside. Had to feel underrated, and hated, besides.
Joined: 16 Jun 2010
Age: 42
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Posts: 33,095
Location: Beirut, Lebanon.
Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. Both had no college, BUT educated themselves on their own to where they are now entrepreneurs making great money. Glenn Beck came from a family where most of them committed suicide and he was a raging alcoholic living on the streets. However, he pulled himself together, quit drinking and educated himself leading to his job on Fox and now his own TV channel. He had been married before and because of the drinking it ended in divorce. He got remarried and now has a family.
He got his life in order, quit drinking entirely, educated himself, planned how he wanted his life to go, got the job, got the higher income and the marriage followed and now he is happily married to this day. It all fell into place.
You seem to associate alcoholism in men with educational level . On another post you said you didn't want blue collar men because they "come home and open a beer". Don't you think you have irrational beliefs and are stereotyping too much? What about the blue collar man that comes home and helps the kids with homework, can cook 1 from 100 nutritious meals off the the top of his head, go's to the history group on Wednesday evenings and to the sports club on a Friday evening?
Blue collar men aren't knuckle scraping, beer-bellied low I.Q idiots, you know.
Life had kept him waiting, regretting his pain inside. Had to feel underrated, and hated, besides.
Higher education = hardworking, intelligent, mature?
You kiddin?
Aside from maybe college seniors, most college kids party it up like no tomorrow and awkwardly balance study, part time jobs and party time, usually by sleeping 3-5 hrs a night and living off coffee for energy and quick easy to make fast foods instead of 'wasting' time cooking.
They waste a lot of time on social media too and forums like Reddit.
Work hard, play hard, sure. But don't ignore that second part.
Most college kids complain on the internet all the time of all that studying they have to do, I'd like to see a 10-12hr a day hard labor job DESTROY them physically and mentally far worse than a bit of paper pushing would.
My step dad does 10hrs a day of landscaping and farm work. Usually ALONE.
As you may know, I'm back in school. My "plan" is to eventually be an NP which needs higher education. The article points out that "men" (I say men because the article refers to men) who lack higher education tend to be in jobs that don't pay as much and they also tend to abuse more alcohol and drugs. Now back to me - up until now, I have always thought of nursing as a "blue collar" job, that is the job was just for paying the bills and the rest of the time was free time to have "fun". As I have continued my "higher education", I have found that I have had to live differently and this included no alcohol like I used to drink. As I get into higher education, I am having to live and think a different way than when I was " a blue collar worker" with an Associates degree. I think of my life differently, and expect more out of myself and anyone who I would want to share my life with. With this higher education, I will also be getting paid more. With this higher education, I will have to plan my life differently and a different outcome will result.
Higher education = more money and a healthier life secondary to not drinking alcohol and partying like I used to - which the article brings out. What I'm trying to say is it is not just the making of the money. I will be thinking more professionally because of the job and the education. Most people want an equal so I'm not going to really match with a person who has a "blue collar job" anymore who comes home and pops open a beer or two or three every night to unwind and get ready for the next work day. I would match more with a person who has a degree and a challenging job OR a person who is educated (not university) and has a challenging job with a good income (entrepreneur).
Does this make sense or am I just rambling?
A woman's worst enemy is her ageing looks and her inability to understand equality between the sexes. I can't find the youtube video, but Jordan Peterson tells a group of Ph.D female students, that they're essentially f****d, because they have a super small selection group of men. It's female nature to ONLY date up... which is the opposite of equality. Which is why feminism was never about equality. Men have been marrying "down" for millennia, but when contemporary feminists finally achieved career and educational equality they turned around and demanded superior men.
Good job, feminism! you ruined Kim's and Katie's lives with your mantra of "you go girl... you only deserve the best best men". Little Jessica is an evolutionary dead end now thanks to feminism. I'd be sad if my life hasn't been f****d over by the same s**t. Hey, they have to live with the consequences of their actions/choices just like we do, it hits women harder in their 3rd and 4th decades though.
This is the beginning of this issue, remember. Men are going to continue to make up a smaller % of University graduates in the west for the next couple of decades at least (I think they already do here in the UK). The education system is stacked against men from a very young age and represents one of the purest forms of overreach attributable to feminism.
You're saying it's the feminists movement that made the mess. Why can't there be a men's movement where men can expect more out of themselves? Then maybe, women could find a equal partner to marry.
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. Both had no college, BUT educated themselves on their own to where they are now entrepreneurs making great money. Glenn Beck came from a family where most of them committed suicide and he was a raging alcoholic living on the streets. However, he pulled himself together, quit drinking and educated himself leading to his job on Fox and now his own TV channel. He had been married before and because of the drinking it ended in divorce. He got remarried and now has a family.
He got his life in order, quit drinking entirely, educated himself, planned how he wanted his life to go, got the job, got the higher income and the marriage followed and now he is happily married to this day. It all fell into place.
You seem to associate alcoholism in men with educational level . On another post you said you didn't want blue collar men because they "come home and open a beer". Don't you think you have irrational beliefs and are stereotyping too much? What about the blue collar man that comes home and helps the kids with homework, can cook 1 from 100 nutritious meals off the the top of his head, go's to the history group on Wednesday evenings and to the sports club on a Friday evening?
Blue collar men aren't knuckle scraping, beer-bellied low I.Q idiots, you know.
Read the damn article and educate yourself before debating - it says men without degrees often have lower paying jobs or are unemployed and abuse drugs and alcohol.
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
Last edited by nurseangela on 26 Sep 2017, 8:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
You kiddin?
Aside from maybe college seniors, most college kids party it up like no tomorrow and awkwardly balance study, part time jobs and party time, usually by sleeping 3-5 hrs a night and living off coffee for energy and quick easy to make fast foods instead of 'wasting' time cooking.
They waste a lot of time on social media too and forums like Reddit.
Work hard, play hard, sure. But don't ignore that second part.
Most college kids complain on the internet all the time of all that studying they have to do, I'd like to see a 10-12hr a day hard labor job DESTROY them physically and mentally far worse than a bit of paper pushing would.
My step dad does 10hrs a day of landscaping and farm work. Usually ALONE.
Did you read the article?
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
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