Anngables wrote:
I didn't want him there . .. it just would have been nice to have some sort of acknowledgement.
Take into account the last time I saw him on Monday was when I ran around retrieving his wallet he had left in a cafe and delivering to him at work. . . .. .
This is the reciprocation thing. Of you have a friend you can call on to do nice things for you sometimes it would be good to do nice things in return
But of course I must take into account this:
autistic Temple Grandin described her inability to understand the social communication of neurotypicals, or people with normal neural development, as leaving her feeling "like an anthropologist on Mars
I try and reciprocate when people do nice things, but it can be hard to know how they want you to reciprocate. Like if I knew someone was doing something important I would likely wish them luck...but I wouldn't know they want me to say anything about it after the fact except maybe 'how did it go' if I didn't even attend the thing of course if there is facebook stuff showing it went well I could see it seeming redundant to say anything else to someone on the spectrum.
Part of what I have come to accept is sometimes I am going to come off rude without intending to...but I don't like to hurt peoples feelings so I do try and learn how to improve my interactions or at least figure out ways to articulate I do care, but just don't know what to do so they realize I'm not trying to be a jerk or something.
Sometimes it helps if an NT specifically tells me what they one time me and my boyfriend got in a bit of an argument and he was pretty upset he was also really stressed and overwhelmed with a crappy job and got rather emotional and I didn't know what to do, didn't know if he wanted space because we were just kind of arguing or if he wanted support or whatever so I just kind of did nothing. Until he thought I was mad at him or something and expressed that and I told him I wasn't mad and then I think he knew I just was at a loss what to do, so he requested I sit next to him and comfort him a bit. And from there we certainly got on the same page that sometimes I don't know what to do socially even with people I am close with....but it doesn't mean I don't care, sometimes I just need a hint as to what is needed from me. I mean I have different neurology so the things I need or don't need aren't nessisarily the same for neurotypicals, so I try to make an effort to understand the differences. I mean there is that old saying 'treat others as you want to be treated' but that can be confusing with autism because neurotypicals and autistics have significant differences in what they want and expect from social interactions.
We won't go back.
Last edited by Sweetleaf on 28 Sep 2017, 7:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.