The top 10 rejection lines given by women.

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04 Jun 2007, 2:30 pm

nb411 wrote:
Every single one of those can be simply interpreted as "I have low interest level in you."

A woman in love is never confusing

I disagree. The age one (though never specifically
used directly on me) seems to just happen. Once
they find out that I'm so terribly much older than
I look (or act), it's usually a downer. I don't think
I'm telling anyone until they fall for me completely.


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04 Jun 2007, 2:32 pm

All women are confusing.
I don't think I've ever met one that isn't.


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04 Jun 2007, 3:01 pm

St-Mauritius wrote:
LePetitPrince wrote:
1. Let's be friends. (I want you to stay around so I can tell you in excruciating detail about all the other men I meet and lay. It's the male perspective thing.)

This is so true! My last girlfriend not only said that line, but actually also told me some details of her one night stands she had after we broke up! After some time, she wanted me to become her “sex buddy” (actual quote!). So I guess these stories were a “NT game” for getting to this point. In the end I refused her tempting “offer”, because she made it perfectly clear that I would only be a temporary solution during her search for a real boyfriend.

I would have definately gone for the sex buddie thing 8)
This means that she is extremely low maintenance.
She wil have sex with you without all the troubles a relationship brings along with it.
There should be more women like these, unfortunately theyr like 1 in 1000 lol.


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04 Jun 2007, 3:10 pm

Some people are into that.
Hell, my one really weird
relationship was sort of that,
though we both knew that she
was more interested in me, than
whomever she was seeing. We
loved one another, so f**k buddies
never seemed the right term. Especially
while we were living together.

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04 Jun 2007, 6:34 pm

Bart21 wrote:
I would have definately gone for the sex buddie thing 8)
This means that she is extremely low maintenance.
She wil have sex with you without all the troubles a relationship brings along with it.
There should be more women like these, unfortunately theyr like 1 in 1000 lol.

There ARE more women like that. Why do you think scientists estimate 1 out of 10 children has not there biological father as father? Estimate, because the (biological) fathers are onaware of the polygamy of their wife, so they do not know if they are the biological father or if they have a cuckoo's nest.

Low maintenace? Forget it! She still wanted to be treaten as a princess. Remember, I said she was still a friend, besides the potential casual sex. So problems were still there.

If I was still in my teens, I would have been her sex budy. In my twenties, maybe. Being 36, my old preoccupation of sex is replaced by one of a true relationship.


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04 Jun 2007, 6:35 pm

Sopho wrote:
What do people expect anyway? If a girl doesn't like you then she doesn't like you. Would you rather she turn around and say "f**k off you ugly c**t"?

At least that would be direct and not laced with potential double-meanings :P

That's what gets me the most, really. I'd rather be told that right off the bat than have it sugar-coated. A spoonful of sugar may help the medicine go down, but it doesn't change the fact that an unpleasant medicine is being administered. I'd rather just skip the sugar and take the medicine as it is...

Why so serious?

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04 Jun 2007, 6:36 pm

Sopho wrote:
All women are confusing.
I don't think I've ever met one that isn't.



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04 Jun 2007, 7:30 pm

LePetitePrince! What do you mean "yeah, right" with rolling eyes. Don't you roll your eyes at me, mister. :wink:

If I am celibate (I keep wanting to write "celebrate" and there isn't anything TO celebrate, LOL), none of the other things are going work, right? I'm just not going to have sex with anyone. Not until I have thought about it, and discussed it with that person. I might date though. Eventually it might get around to sex.

What are you talking about when you discuss rejection? Sex? You mention dating too. Dating ≠ sex, sex ≠ dating. Love ≠ sex, sex ≠ love. Those things are only present in tandem if the price is right. No, that's a game show. If the chemistry is there. Each of those can be individual, or combined. I want them all combined. That's just me. At my life stage now.

Some people like to date a lot, and don't make commitments and don't have sex either. Some people seem to fall in love, without even having dated or have had sex. Some people have sex, just to have sex. Obviously people are weird.

The age thing can be daunting if a person isn't into it. Especially older women, younger men. For the biological reason. If the woman has not had kids, and does not want to have kids, and the younger man does... Too bad. Too late. There is adoption and surrogate mothers. But the woman will not be bearing his child.

Age in regards to an older man, younger woman, the child thing still is there. She might be able to have his kids, even if she's 20 now and he's 40. She's got a good 10 years. And another 10 years after that which are fairly good. But what about daddy's age? Daddy will be 50 if mama has baby at 30. Daddy will be 60 and thinking retirement if mama has baby at 40.

My mum died at 81. My dad died at about... hmm...maybe 65? So daddy dies at 65, when the child is 5 years old? Or at 15 years old? Yah, mama can remarry, but most mama's that want to have the father around, they want him around for the entire child-raising process. Not to keel over before the child is self-sufficient.

THAT is why there is an age problem. Reproductive strategy. Financial and emotional security.

LePetitePrince, I am afraid to ask, but here goes... Are you sexually attracted to every female on the face of the planet? Are you? If not, there are going to be some you think of in other ways. Like as friends. And you won't keep a girlfriend long if you cheat on her, because some other girl comes along and propositions you and you fail to mention that you have a girlfriend.

In some employment situations, relationships are heavily frowned upon, and one or both of you could lose your jobs. So much for working on a career, you can now work on finding a new job. Which will be kind of complicated, because you'll have no fixed schedule and will have to back out of dates at the last moment if you get called in for a good interview.

Yes, I realize that some people DO play games. I know that. I don't know why. I know some people lie. I know people cheat and steal and beat and kill. But everyone doesn't. I don't.

And sometimes during the dating process, that started off with being very attracted to someone, it just fizzles out. It's not you, it's me. No, really, it's me. All me.

Let's say you really did like someone, who gave you one of those lines. And she WAS telling the truth. And you get all snippy about it.

Later on (weeks later?), you see her with someone new. And you sarcastically say something. And she says that things are now uncomplicated, just like she said they would be, and now she is dating again, isn't celibate, and this guy is the new boyfriend.

You THOUGHT she was blowing you off. She really DID have something to get done. Once done, she was free to date again. She wasn't blowing you off. But you blew it. And all this blowing isn't happening to you. hahaha.

I'm really terrible today. :oops:


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04 Jun 2007, 8:03 pm

calandale wrote:
nb411 wrote:
Every single one of those can be simply interpreted as "I have low interest level in you."

A woman in love is never confusing

I disagree. The age one (though never specifically
used directly on me) seems to just happen. Once
they find out that I'm so terribly much older than
I look (or act), it's usually a downer. I don't think
I'm telling anyone until they fall for me completely.

Of course you do! You always do! The difference between me and you is that I seek the truth and you are statisfied with your mental constructs of reality.

In regards to the age one she could have had high interest level to begin with. And then what happens? She realises you are much older than she initially thought. Ok, then what happens? Her interest level drops.

Sopho that quote really means that when a woman is love with a man, not just a little bit, but REALLY in love...Then they will not come up with these BS lines to avoid hurting your feelings, and they make time to be with you. Basically the wall comes down and they stop doing one thing while saying another.


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04 Jun 2007, 8:28 pm

nb411 wrote:

Of course you do! You always do! The difference between me and you is that I seek the truth and you are statisfied with your mental constructs of reality.

In regards to the age one she could have had high interest level to begin with. And then what happens? She realises you are much older than she initially thought. Ok, then what happens? Her interest level drops.

1. Touche, but my constructs (in this case at least) are well
founded upon my perceptions. I don't know what your 'truth'
is based on - the word of some imaginary being? What you
see in movies?

2. Right. But if I can completely capture her, without revealing
that information, it will be too late.

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04 Jun 2007, 8:34 pm

calandale wrote:
I disagree. The age one (though never specifically
used directly on me) seems to just happen. Once
they find out that I'm so terribly much older than
I look (or act), it's usually a downer. I don't think
I'm telling anyone until they fall for me completely.

Are you certain it's not an excuse to cover up some other reason? I can't imagine dumping somebody I'm otherwise completely smitten with, just because of the date on his birth certificate.


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04 Jun 2007, 8:42 pm

gwenevyn wrote:

Are you certain it's not an excuse to cover up some other reason? I can't

imagine dumping somebody I'm otherwise completely smitten with, just because of the date on his birth certificate.

Not dumping - that's the point. If they became interested
enough that my sparkling personality showed through
(as opposed to just grumbling at them to get the ****
away :P ), then perhaps they'd tolerate. But, one of
the first things that they ask this dour curmudgeon is
age. Always a bad move, since it opens them up for
my tasteless humor - but there it is.


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04 Jun 2007, 8:46 pm

nb411 wrote:
calandale wrote:
nb411 wrote:
Every single one of those can be simply interpreted as "I have low interest level in you."

A woman in love is never confusing

I disagree. The age one (though never specifically
used directly on me) seems to just happen. Once
they find out that I'm so terribly much older than
I look (or act), it's usually a downer. I don't think
I'm telling anyone until they fall for me completely.

Of course you do! You always do! The difference between me and you is that I seek the truth and you are statisfied with your mental constructs of reality.

In regards to the age one she could have had high interest level to begin with. And then what happens? She realises you are much older than she initially thought. Ok, then what happens? Her interest level drops.

Sopho that quote really means that when a woman is love with a man, not just a little bit, but REALLY in love...Then they will not come up with these BS lines to avoid hurting your feelings, and they make time to be with you. Basically the wall comes down and they stop doing one thing while saying another.

nb411, you are confusing Love and Limerance:

------Excerpt begin------
Tennov describes limerence as beginning with a barely perceptible feeling of increased interest in the limerent object, that, if nurtured by appropriate conditions, can grow to enormous intensity, although in most cases it subsides to a low level after some time. At this stage, states Tennov, limerence is either transformed through reciprocation or it is transferred to another person who then becomes the new limerent object. Under the best of conditions the waning of limerence through mutuality is accompanied by the growth of an emotional response more suitably described as love.
------Excerpt end------

One does not love alone. One has crushes. One has limerent objects. Love is freely given and taken by both people.

I can't be deeply in love with someone who is not in love with me. And if the person was in love with me, and I with him, there would be no lines. Why would I blow off someone I really, truly cared about? A person who felt the same way about me.

I have lots of crushes. Plenty of the more intense limerence. And it generally ends just like the article at Wiki: "Only if the limerent object were to be revealed as highly undesirable might limerence subside." Something is revealed or is found out that turns that person into someone I cannot like at all. Who is not worthy of my attention.

They don't have to know I've had a crush on them, and they don't have to know I don't have a crush on them anymore. I know it. It's something I do for myself.

Someone said something about falling for a person from their writing. I've done that. Since being on the internet, I've done that many a time. The world's great poets can also make me swoon. Those things aren't love. Crushes or limerence. Those are the times when someone could be blown off by a real or bogus excuse.

Hopefully people have talked a lot before declaring love.

What is love anyway?

What does it mean to each of you?

What kind of relationship do you picture as being a loving relationship? A long-term/lifetime loving relationship? What do you picture in your mind? Where do you see yourself in this relationship in 10 years? In 30 years? In 50 years?


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04 Jun 2007, 9:48 pm

nb411 wrote:
A woman in love is never confusing

Oh, you have no idea...
...Or maybe I was just too stupid to understand.


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04 Jun 2007, 10:33 pm

calandale wrote:
Avian wrote:
"You're too old for me." (A perfect blanket excuse they can give now that I'm in my forties.)

I've learned to stop telling them my age.
I still get carded for alcohol, so I attract
things that are half my age.

especially when you shave that facial hair! ^_^

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04 Jun 2007, 11:07 pm

Indeed. 'tis something of a curse,
though one I enjoy.